^Chapter 14

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As I say that sentence I hear the voices of a group of teenagers. "MACKENZIE!!" This is it. I say to myself before turning around to face the group.

I turn around and see a group of people that look similar to the people in the groupchat. "Holy shit...!" My eyes bug out of my head. I'm in shock that this is actually happening.

I run into the group and go in for a hug. Tears of joy prick my eyes. "I can't believe it." I hug everyone even harder. I blink away the tears before pulling away from the group.

I look at everyone. They're even prettier in person. We all start to giggle for no reason. "Wow. Mackenzie, you're even prettier in person." A girl with brown hair said to me. That must be Annie.

I laugh. "I was thinking the exact same thing about you guys." They start to laugh with me. "Let's get out of here." I say while walking to the exit.

John walks beside me. I can hear the whispers of Annie and who I can only assume are Hayden and Ruby. I glare back at them. They all burst out laughing. "So! What are we going to do first." I sigh, changing the subject.

We all walk to the Uber that John had gotten for us. Such a gentleman. I know right! "Ok, you seriously need to tell us what's going on with Brandon." Hayden says while we claim our seats in the car.

I let out a big sigh. "It's a long story." I finally say. "But I guess you have time."

I open my mouth, waiting for words to come out. Finally I say something. "When I was in the hospital... and Johnny was dating Nadia." I looks over a John when I said the last part. He just looked back and playfully rolled his eyes at me. "I texted Brandon, just for fun. We started to talk every day. He really isn't even that bad of a guy."

I look over at Johnny again. He clenches his jaw, which only makes his jawline sharper, might I add. I feel the jealousy just beating off of his body. I go to softly touch his arm and give him a reassuring look. "Anyways, Brandon wanted to come visit me 'to make sure everything's ok'" I use my fingers to make air quotes.

I start again. "When he got to Pittsburgh, he took me to a trampoline park. It was fun at the time..... but I regret it now. I had realized after, that Brandon was kinda like totally looking at my chest the whole time." I look over at Johnny again. This time, he moved his hands into a fist formation, making his knuckles white.

This time I put my hand on his thigh, and I keep it there. "Then in the groupchat... jenzie was brought up again. He must have gotten jealous or something. I think he hates me and John now.... that's kinda it." I look back at Johnny for a 4th time.

His face of jealousy has turned into a neutral tone. He looks back at me but I quickly turn my head away. I didn't want him to think I was a creep for always looking at him. I could feel him laugh. Was he laughing at me? Fuck I need some weed. Thank god I snuck some in.

Everyone turns at me. "What did you sneak in?" They all, but Johnny, ask at the same time. I'm pretty sure John knows what I'm talking about.

I hit my head using the palm of my hand. "I... just accidentally said something I wasn't supposed to." I tried to cover it up. I don't think it worked.

I look over and see that my hand is still on Johnny's thigh. I still decided not to move it though. I like it there. "Mackenzie, what did you sneak in?" Annie said to me in a harsh but playful way.

I pretend to rub my face. "Weed." I say with both coughing and still rubbing my face, hoping that they wouldn't hear what I had said.

John looked at me. He made an 'oh' shape with his mouth. "John, care to tell us what Kenzie snuck in?" Hayden said to John but starring me down. Ruby on the other hand....looks confused...It's not that big of a deal.

John did the same thing I did. "Weed." He coughed and rubbed his mouth. You could barley comprehend what he said.

Hayden, Ruby, and Annie all sigh in frustration. I give up. "I fucking brought weed, ok!" I whisper but yell at the same time just so the Uber driver doesn't hear.

They all look at me with surprised faces. "You best be sharing!" Annie said. "I want to be cool!" Ruby added while hopping in her seat.

I looked over at the blonde. She's too young to be smoking weed. "Ruby... honey. You're too young." I said while still whispering.

Ruby frowned while the others just had blank faces. This is kinda awkward. "Fine, Ruby, I'll let you take a puff." I finally say.

This time I forgot to whisper. The Uber driver looked back at us. We all give an awkward smile. I look over at Johnny for the.... I don't even know how many times now. His chiseled face was looking back at me. Wow, what a beautiful sight.

Everyone looks at me with huge ass smiles on their faces. "Kenzie, you're not very good with keeping your thoughts in your mind. You have a tendency to speak them out loud." Johnny whispered to me. It's not like the others weren't already listening, he didn't have to whisper.

I blush. This guy, he makes me so happy no matter what he does. I want to just curl up next to him and stay there forever.

I was too deep in thought and I didn't even realize that Hayden was making Jenzie jokes. Ugh. "You guys are so cute." I rolled my eyes at Hayden statement. "Kenzie, just admit your love to John already."

I've had enough. Ok, yes Maybe I like John, but I don't want to tell everyone until I feel like both me and John are really connected. That makes sense right?

Ugh, saved by the bell. The Uber pulls up to Johnny's house. We're all going to stay there for the night.

John opens the car door, letting me out. The nice breeze makes my hair blow out from my shoulders. John and I walk into his house first. I glance over at him and look into his gorgeous green orbs. He looks back at me. I think he can see my nervous face... because he just smiled at me as he opened the door. Okay, Kenzie you got this....


sorry this chapter is so slow. I wanted to end at a certain spot but I didn't want it to be too short so I had to add a lot of slow details. OKAYY BUT HOLY CRAP GUYSSSSS! 1,000 READS?????? WHAT?! I love you all so so so much. Thank you for choosing to read my book!!! Don't forget to vote and comment!💕(1193) words

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