^Chapter 3^

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The sound of my alarm wake me up. I turn it off quickly and roll back over into my side. A few minutes wouldn't hurt, right??. Wrong!

I woke up 30 minuets later!

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I say out loud.

I quickly run into the bathroom and wash my face. I put on some mascara and highlighter. It's a good thing my skin is clear because I have no time for foundation. I change into this super simple outfit. I try and change as quickly at possible:

I still wanted to look a lil cute but still cozy

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I still wanted to look a lil cute but still cozy. I run into my car still making sure to buckle my seatbelt. I drive off to school and pull up in the parking lot. I fast walk to my locker and get my stuff. It was 6:55, class starts at 7:00 so I started walking to science class.
**Skip to lunch**
For lunch today me and Lauren are going to get some Chick-fil-A. Obviously I'm excited, who wouldn't be! I decided it should be time to tell Lauren about the group chat. I don't like keeping secrets from my best friend.

"Lauren, I have something need to tell you." I say to her in a calm tone.

"Go ahead. Tell me." The blonde says to me in a worried tone.

"So yesterday I got added into a group chat by accident but everyone in it is actually super super nice and funny. They all live in LA. I didn't want to tell you right away because I thought you were going to get mad. I'm sorry but they're all so funny and I'm gunna keep talking to them."

"Well I don't like the fact that you're talking to strangers but I do want to see what these people look like." Lauren says very calmly.

I'm surprised Lauren isn't as mad as I thought she was gunna be. I show her all of there instagrams so she knows they're not catfishing or anything.

While Lauren was looking at all of their Instagrams, I texted Rumer.

Kenzie: Hey Rumer! I was just wondering when the next video I could be in would be. I'm staring to really love dancing with you and I want to do some more vids. Thanks! 💋💋

By the time Rumer texted back I was already in school so I didn't see her text until after.

Rumer: I think you would do really good in a combo that I made up a while ago. I'm thinking on doing that on June 2. How does that sound for you?

Kenzie:sorry I was at school but that sounds perfect! Thank you so much.

Ok so June 2nd. It's May 15 today. Ugh thats a while till I can see my new friends. I guess I can tell the chat now though.

Kenzie:Guys guess what!!
Ruby💋🌹:what Kenz??
Johnny o: ^^^^^
Annie🌞💜: ^^^^
Hayden s: ^^^^^^^
Brandon: wassup Kenzie?
Kenzie: I texted Rumer because I film vids with her in LA, and she said that I could film a vid with her on June 2nd! That's kinda a long ways away but I'm still so excited to meet you guys!
Johnny o: holy shit Kenz that's great!!!
Ruby💋🌹: yayyyyyyyy I really wanna meet you Kenzie!
Brandon: that's great Jenzie!
Brandon: oh shit sorry I meant Kenzie 😂
Kenzie: 😡😡^
Annie🌞💜: yess we can meet up all together!
Hayden s: ^^^ good idea Annie!
Johnny o: ^^^ 😂
Annie🌞💜: jENzIE!!^^

I look up from my phone and I realize that I'm literally just standing next to my car. I didn't even drive home yet. Wow. I get into my car and drive home. I open the door to my house and make dinner for my dad. Shit how the hell am I going to tell him I'm going to LA for a week? I guess I just text him.

Right before I was about to text my dad Lauren texted me.

Lo-Lo❤️: I've thought about it and I've decided that i actually really like your friends. I was DM'ing them and they seemed nice. I'm proud of you for finding new friends!!

Kenzie: want me to add you in the group chat??
Lo-Lo❤️: hell yea I do!

Kenzie: y'all I'm adding my best friend Lauren to the group! Apparently she has already talked to you guys so she ain't a creep or anything
Johnny o: oh yea Lauren was really nice! Add her!
Ruby💋🌹: ^^^ is jenzie dieing down!? Is it Johnen now!!
Kenzie: I'm sorry but Jenzie was never a thing and johnen is the worst ship name ever!
Johnny o: ^^^^^^^ yea Johnen is terrible!
Kenzie added Lauren to the group chat
Hayden s: Lauren you know Kenzie personally. Does she like John Vincent Orlando??
Lauren❤️: honestly Idk she just told me about y'all today sooo
Brandon: wow Kenzie I can't believe you didn't tell Lauren about this right away
Kenzie: excuse me but Lauren doesn't like when I talk to strangers sooo
Johnny o: Brandon don't just assume shit. Remember what happened last time?
Kenzie and Lauren at the same time: what happened last time!?
Brandon: don't you dare fucking say It John
Kenzie: say it John!!!
Johnny o: ok so one time Brandon was like 13 and he saw this hot ass 16 year old girl right. Well at least he thought she was hot. So he went up to the girl and was like "hey hottie what's your name?" And the girl was like "I have a boyfriend" and then her boyfriend came in the room and he was like buff af and then Brandon fuckin said "oh sorry I didn't know your dad was with you." And her boyfriend was like "boy stfu!" And then Brandon got slapped. He was so confused for like 2 days why he got slapped cuz she really though that was her dad!!
Kenzie: HAHAH that's fucking hilarious!
Lauren❤️: ^^^^ 😂😂

Johnny o added you on a separate chat!

Johnny o: hey kenz!
Kenzie: wassup Johnny why did you add me on a separate chat.
Johnny o: because there is something I need to tell you......


Ohhhh another cliff hanger! I really really hope y'all are enjoying the book so far. Give me pointers if you want to make the book better.

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