^Chapter 22^

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I give him one last kiss before rolling over and falling asleep. Tonight is a night, that I will fall asleep happy.

I woke up this morning sad. I was sad because today is my last day in LA. I don't want to leave everyone behind, especially Johnny. We finally got over our little fought that we had, and I want to cherish it. But then again, I'll be happy to see Lauren and my dad, who finally accepts me now.

John turned on the shower for me this morning, like always. I listened to the song, Mine by Bazzi. **here is the song if you need it**

That song made me cry. It made me think of leaving Johnny. Leaving Johnny all alone...without me. I'll miss him too much, I can't leave. But I need to see Lauren. NO! I'm going home and seeing my small, small family.

I'm eating breakfast, quietly with John suiting accross from me. I look up at him for a couple seconds, while all I hear are the scrapes of his fork on his plate.

"John." I start.

He finally looks up from his food. "Yeah?" He asks.

"I don't want to leave you.... and everyone." I say looking at the others.

"I know you don't, but you and your dad can get closer, now that he wants to. And you can see Lauren again." He says, trying to make me feel better.

It didn't works. It felt like he just wanted me gone. Like he was annoyed my me. So I did what I first thought of, I loudly got out of my seat, slammed my hands on the table, and ran upstairs to John's room.

John's room made me feel safe, even if I was a little mad.

I hear footsteps come up the stairs. "What's wrong, Mackenzie." John's voice asks, concerned.

I push my face into his pillow and scream. I don't know what I was so mad... Wait yes I do. John wants me gone, he doesn't want me here anymore so he can cheat on me.

I feel a hand slightly touch my back. "Come on now, Mackenzie. You know that I will be here for you.

"I don't want you here for me." I say, whining.

John doesn't get up and walk away, like I had thought. He sat down next to me and gave me a hug.

"Why do you want me gone?" I ask, while sitting up. One more tear falls down my cheek.

John wipes my tears away, only making them spread to the side on my face, instead of the front.

"Why would you think that?" He asks, I can tell he was honestly confused.

I sigh, wiping the rest of the tears away. "Because... down at the table, y- you gave reasons on why I should leave like it was nothing. You didn't f- feel any sympathy at all." I say, while more tears drip out of my eyes.

John sighs. "Kenzie, you know I didn't mean it like that. I was just trying to cheer you up, trying to show you the positive things about leaving." He says while planting a kiss on my forehead.

I give a little frown. "It sounded like you just wanted me gone." I argue.

"You know, that I would never want you gone. I wish you would stay here forever, but that's not the case today. Maybe someday though." John whispers the last part.

I wasn't able to contain my smile. "I have to start packing." I say plainly while getting up, and hiding my smile.

"I saw that precious smile of yours." John jokes while squeezing my cheeks.

He gives me one more kiss before walking out of the room.

I started to get my clothes out of the extra drawers in John's closet. I packed up all of my bathroom things. I packed my phone charger, and my head phones in a separate, smaller bag for the plane ride.

Once I had finished my packing, I went downstairs to say goodbye to everyone except for Johnny, because he was taking me to the airport.

I walk up to Annie first. "Goodbye Annie, I'll miss you." I say, giving her a big hug.

"I'll miss you more, buddy." She says. I feel a couple tears from Annie's eyes fall on my shoulders.

I go to Ruby next. "Bye Rub's! I'll miss you so much." I say while giving her the biggest hug ever.

"I love you." Said Ruby, in the cutest way.

I smile before breaking apart from her and moving over to Hayden. "Goodbye Hayden. Take care of Annie for me." I say while giving Hayden a hug.

"I will." He says while pulling apart from me.

I smile and nod, before taking John's hand and walking out the door, the last thing I heard was, "they are literally so fucking cute." It sounded like Annie's voice, but I couldn't really tell.

John and I walk to his car and I hop into the passenger seat. "I'm still sad about leaving." I state, while looking out the window.

John doesn't say anything, but he puts his hand on my thigh and lightly rubs it with only his thumb.

I look over at him and smile. "God you're so cute." John says before shifting his eyes back on the road.

Soon enough, we made it to the airport, but we were very late.

Both, John and I, run out of the car, grab my bags, get my luggage checked. and get to the gate my plane is at.

We have about one minuet until I board. "John I'm going to miss you." I say while giving him one last hug before my number is called.

John hugs me tighter then he's ever hug me before. "Just remember.... that I- I love you Mackenzie. I will always love you. I will never stop loving you."

I smile so big that I thought my mouth would reach my ears. "I love you too, Johnny. And I will never ever forget you. We will keep in contact every day. Every day!" I say right before my number is called.

I slowly let go of John and walk onto the ramp. I give off on more wave....

But I turn back. "You forgot this." I say as I slam my lips into his.

"Goodbye." I say one last time. My feet inch their way closer to the plane.

"Goodbye, Mackenzie Ziegler!" I hear John's voice yell from behind.

I smile and walk onto the aircraft. This is it. Your going back to Pittsburgh. I think to myself as I take my seat.

Wow. Just.... wow.

Alrighty guys! That was it. I'll be posting an epilogue soon! And don't forget to look out for my new story called 'our little secret' the first 5 chapters will be up in about a week or maybe sooner. I love you all. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!💕💕
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