^Chapter 19^

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**this chapter contains underage drinking and some other, maybe inappropriate, things**

As soon as Annie opens the door I see the face of someone who looks familiar. He has a dark skin tone, light brown eyes, and black, curly hair. He looks pretty attractive, but I knew I've seen that beautiful face before.

That's when I remember..... Kendrick.

My eyes open wide. But as I know of, Kendrick doesn't notice me. That's a good thing.

Trying to act natural, I walk into the house. It looks nice; marble floors, a beautiful wood, spiral staircase leading to the upstairs. A huge kitchen with white marble countertops and a big island in the middle of it all.

Everything looks too expensive to touch. With Annie and Ruby leading me to the kitchen, where the drinks are, I see John and Hayden walk off to the 'dance floor',which is really only the living room.

I pour myself a combination of raspberry crystal light and vodka... lots of vodka. My goal  tonight was to get wasted and forget everything that happened with me and Johnny.

I chug down the drink quickly. I can already feel the buzz that I love. 

I see someone coming closer to me, my eyesight isn't really the best, so I couldn't tell who it was. As he got closer I realized that it was Kendrick.

"Shit." I whisper to myself while pouring another drink.

I turn around so He couldn't see me, but it didn't work. I feel a tap on my shoulder. While closing me eyes, I turn around slowly.

Kendrick blinks really fast. "Hey," He said while pouring his own drink.

Does he note realize me? I ask myself while scrunching my eyebrows together.

"Hey." I say while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

Annie and Ruby quickly leave, leaving me and Kendrick alone in the kitchen.

Kendrick leans on the island and asks, "Are you having any fun?"

I give a little laugh. "I just got here so... I don't know yet."

He makes an 'oh' shape with his mouth. "That's right, I opened the door for you and you're group-"

I interrupt. "Well it's not my group." I say while trying to sound normal.

Kendrick makes a face that looks like he's thinking.... really hard. "You sound, and look familiar."

God Dammit. I think while chugging my second drink.

I shake my head. "Huh..." I say while making myself a third drink.

"Woah girl-" Kendrick starts.

"Mackenzie." I interrupt quickly, forgetting that I didn't want Kendrick to remember me.

"Mackenzie.... I know that name." He said without completing his sentence from before.

"Yeah... uh, what were you saying?" I change the subject.

"Oh, right. I was just going to tell you that you should take it easy on the drinks, you seem like a lightweight." He says awkwardly.

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Ha. I'm not a lightweight." I say in a serious tone.

"Mackenzie....." Kendrick mumbles. He must be trying to remember me.

All of a sudden his eyes go wide and he gasps. "Kenzie! Oh my god......No way."

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