^Chapter 7^

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Kenzie: Hey! Brandon!

Brandon: hey kenz what's up.

Kenzie: nothing I just wanted to talk.

Brandon: well Kenzie I'm here for you!

Kenzie: you must not know, huh?

Brandon: know what?

Kenzie: I got in a car crash on my way to school this morning. I'm in the hospital right now. I'll be out in a day. They just need to check and make sure I'm ok to be off on my own again.

Brandon: oh my god! Kenzie! I had no idea, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?!

Kenzie: yup I'm ok. A couple bruises and cuts but nothing too too big.

Brandon: Kenzie you know that you are so beautiful right.

Kenzie: I mean thank you Brandon but I don't really think so. I just get so much hate that brings me down.

Brandon: haters only hate because they are jealous of how great you are.

Kenzie: ha that's funny you say that, my mom always used to say that to me before she died.

Brandon: oh sorry I didn't mean to bring back old memories. I was just trying to make you feel better. Cuz you honestly are just so beautiful Kenzie.

Kenzie: aww thank you Brandon. That's so sweet. And ya know you aren't too bad yourself.
**^^oo no kenzie what is you doin!*

Brandon: aww thanks Kenzie.

Kenzie: yea no problem Brandon. It's getting kinda late over here in Pittsburgh so I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight Brandon.
**yall I'm not good with time zones, just bare with me here I live in the Midwest, ok. Thankss**

Brandon: goodnight Kenzie😘

Ugh talking to him feels so wrong. I just need to get over Johnny and I feel as if this is the only possible way. I try to fall asleep but I can't. All I can think about is John. I messed up really bad. I should've just told him that I like him. No, that wouldn't been a disaster. Maybe God just made the both of us to be apart from each other. Maybe we weren't meant to be together.

Eventually I roll over and fall asleep with tears rolling down my face.

As I fall asleep I had a dream about Johnny.

"Johnny I love you so much."  I say to Johnny while hugging him. "I love you too Mackenzie." The green eyed boy says to me while wrapping his strong arms around my back. I smile into his neck. We pull apart and he looks at me in the cutest way anyone could ever look at me. "You are so beautiful Mackenzie Ziegler." Johnny said to me while getting closer to my lips. Before I could say anything our lips touch. "John, what about Nadia." I say to Johnny pulling away from the kiss. "Fuck Nadia." He says while leaning in for another kiss. Then Nadia walks into the room. She sees the both of us kissing. "I thought I told you to back off!" She yells while pushing me to the ground. Johnny just stands there, he does nothing to help me from getting beat up from Nadia. "I thought I could trust you, I thought you wouldn't let me cheat!" Johnny yells. "This was a fucking test, and you failed it." They both say while walking off. "What the fuck just happened." I say to myself while getting up from the ground. I look in the mirror, blood is dripping from my lips and teeth. My cheeks are already starting to bruise. I look at my hands. They're shaking. What is going on. I think to myself. I look at back myself  in the mirror once more. More blood is rolling from my nose down to my neck. I try to wipe as much blood as I can away. Tears start to mix with the blood making it spread and drip. "Why?!" I say to myself while crying even harder......

"Why!!" I scream, sitting up from my bed, tears rolling down my cheeks down the the sides of my mouth. I use the back of my hand to wipe away the tears. That was useless. Even more tears, roll down my face.

My nurse comes running into my room.

"Is everything ok, Mackenzie?!" The nurse says while out of breath. "I heard you scream, are you hurt?" She says to me worried.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, I just had a terrible dream." I say wiping the rest of my tears away. 

"You'll be out tomorrow honey, don't worry." She says while touching the side of my face.

"You're so nice. They should pay you more." I say with a little smile.

The nurse laughs. "Thank you honey."

I nod. She gets up and walks out of the room. I take a deep breath and lay back down. I fall asleep surprisingly fast. This time with no bad dreams.

Sorry this chapter is kinda shitty... and short. Hopefully the next chapters will be longer, I'm kinda in a funk rn. I mean it's not like anyone actually reads this book anyway. Don't get me wrong tho. I appreciate anyone who has dealt with my crappy writing! (815) words. 💕

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