^Chapter 21^

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"Ok guys let's get started!" Rumer yelled, while everyone ran to their positions.

"Let's start with this." Rumer said while doing the first move.

After we filmed the routine, I waved all my 'friends' goodbye.

I got to my car and started driving home. When I was about half way home, my phone makes a buzz, and I see that John texted me.

Johnnyo: Hayden and I just got home. How was your class?

Kenzie: it was good. I really liked the choreography.

Johnnyo: that's good. I'll see you in a bit.

I realize that I shouldn't be texting and driving, but you get caught up in the moment when the guy you are falling in love with, texts you.

So.... I guess I'm starting to catch some really strong feelings for John, and I really hope he feels the same exact way.

I pull into the driveway and walk into John's house.

My body make its way straight up the stairs, and I walk into Johnny's room.

"Hey." I said, laying right next to him on the bed.

John gives me a smile while leaning closer. "Hey." He says with a smirk right before touching his lips to mine.

Our lips collide, in the best way possible.

His tongue slowly makes his may into the entranced my lips. He licks my lips, looking for access, I accept.

He smirks and he slowly moves down to my jaw line, giving little pecks everywhere. I laugh as he makes his way to my neck. "That fucking tickles." I say while grabbing his hand.

John removes his hand from mine and places it on the back of my head, making our lips collide for the last time.

"Whoa!" I say, surprised, pulling myself from John's lips. He just smirks. "Ya know, you look pretty innocent, but..... you're not." I continue on.

John laughs this time. "I guess you could say that."

I smile and lay down on the bed. "What time is it?" I ask John. "I'm too tired to look at my phone."

John gives off a giggle. "It's 10:55" He says, while rubbing my back.

"I'm going to bed." I say, moving to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth and all that stuff.

"Your going to go sleep in the bathroom?" John asks, jokingly.

I roll my eyes while closing the door. "No!" I say through the bathroom door.

I look at myself in the mirror and I see something different. I see a beautiful girl. A girl with long, pretty hair. A girl with a clear face, and full brows. A girl that isn't fat, like I had thought. I look closer, and smile. My teeth, they don't look ugly any more. My nose, it doesn't look huge, like I thought it was. My butt, not as small as I thought. In fact, when I clench my stomach, I can almost see abs! I step away and smile. I'm finally pretty! I think to myself.

I walk out of the bathroom and lay down next to John. "Do you think I'm pretty?" I ask, looking up at the ceiling.

He laughs. "Is that even a question, you're beautiful. I love everything about you. I love your body." He says while caressing my hips. "I love your lips." He says right before giving me a peck.

I smile. I wasn't going to ask him if he loved me, because I already knew the answer. "Now is not a good time"

I give him one last kiss before rolling over and falling asleep. Tonight is a night, that I will fall asleep happy.

This book is coming to an end! I would just like to appreciate everyone who reads my story. I'm working on another book called 'our little secret' so make sure you look out for that. There will be one more chapter and then an epilogue to this book. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote.💕Also I'm really sorry about how short this chapter was. (677) words.

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