^Chapter 17^

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"Whatever man. Let's Say bye to the girls before they leave." Hayden says while laughing and pinching the bridge of his nose.

After Johnny gave me an awkward hug, the girls and I hop into Annie's car.

I sit in the middle seat in the back while Ruby and Annie sat in the front. "So, where are we actually going?" I ask, very curious.

They both look back at me with big smiles even Annie looked back, and she was driving.
"We're going to pamper ourselves today, my treat." Annie says while changing her view back onto the road.

I put on a surprised face. "You can't pay for all of it." I say to Annie. That's a lot of money.

She sighs. "Kenzie, my dad gave me the money for all of us to have our girls day, it's fine."

I feel a little more relieved than before. "Ok, I'm sorry. Where are we going to first?" I ask as she pulls into a parking lot.

"Look." Ruby says while pointing at the sign that read 'Orchard Nails'.

"Holy shit, this place looks nice." I'm surprised Annie has enough money for this place... maybe her dad is rich or something, she looks like she has some pretty expensive clothes.

We all walk out of the car, into the nail salon. Oh god, how do I want them to do my nails. I think while Annie talks with the lady at the front desk.

I look around the salon and see how nice it is;  rose petals in the foot baths, warm towels in the towel heater thing, they even have some music playing. The place looks amazing.

I get moved to a chair by one of the foot baths. I chose a simple white color for my toes. They start by putting my feet in the bath. I go on my phone and text Johnny. I decided that I wanted to keep him updated on everything that the girls and I do today.

Kenzie: JOHNNY! The girls brought me to a NAIL SALON. I haven't gotten my nails done is sooo long. Ahhh!

Johnny o: yayy! You better pick out some good nails. Can you just imagine.... a girl that smokes weed AND has great ass nails. It's the total package!

I smile at what John said. He's cute or whatever.

Kenzie: I'm getting white on my toes, but I'm think on doing some like long, pretty acrylics that aren't white.

Johnny o: good, good. Text me a pic when they're done

I decided that I should probably text Lauren to make sure that she's doing ok... and I don't want to seem like a bitch.

Kenzie: hey Lauren! I really really wish you were here. I miss you already!

Lauren ❤️: love you girly. I promise next time, I'll go. It was just NOT a good time this week.

Kenzie: I love youuuuu!

I watched the guy paint my toes. He does them so nicely. I wish I could do that kind of stuff.

Soon enough, my toes were done. Now time to choose what kind of nails I want. I definitely want long, coffin nails.

I look over at Ruby, who is also getting her nails done. She's so cute.

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