^Chapter 2^

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"You have been added to a group chat"
I look down at my phone and see what group chat I was added to. I've never seen any of these numbers in my life.
Unknown: bruh who is this 262 number you added
Unknown:idk I think I added the wrong number. Lets keep it in here tho let's see what this person does.
Unknown: Hey that's a mean thing to do. Maybe we should just un add the person.
Kenzie: wait who are y'all
Unknown:oh Jesus 262 has awOKeN
Kenzie: haha I'm laughing.......
Unknown: don't worry baby you safe here
Kenzie: I feel atTacKED
Unknown: just send us a picture of you and like give us a description of urself. Trying to make this as less creepy as possible 😂
Kenzie: sure whatever you say 😂

I realized that I was just standing outside of Lauren's door so I opened it up. I walked into her room.

"Hey girl." I try to say calmly.

I don't wanna tell Lauren about the chat yet because I feel like she'll get mad at me for talking to strangers.

Kenzie: hold on ya'll I'm at a friends house rn you'll have to wait for pics and a description
Unknown:idk if we can wait bruh

I smile and turn off my phone.

"Ok let's get this homework started." I say while opening my backpack.
**after homework**
"Bye bye Lo-Lo." I say to Lauren while giving her a hug.

I get into my car, buckle my seatbelt, and drive home. When I get home I start to make dinner for my dad. I made him some leftover steak from the night before. Hopefully he will be pleased with this.

I run up to my room and open the group chat


The names Mackenzie, y'all can call me Kenzie/ Kenz tho

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The names Mackenzie, y'all can call me Kenzie/ Kenz tho. I got uno sister and i pretty much live alone. The sis is always at her boyfriends house. My dad is always at work and I ain't got a mom, she died in a car crash 2 years ago. I love Takis and I live in Pittsburgh. I dance with Rumor. Her vids are on YouTube if y'all wanna watch some of my dance vids. I also sing, I got some vids on my Instagram. I ain't got a relationship wit nobody cuz nobody can handle me. Oh yea and I'm 16 years old. Insta:@kenzie
Unknown: wow you're actually really fucking pretty Kenz.
Kenzie: aw thanks. Can I know who y'all are now?? I want pics too!
Johnny O:

 Can I know who y'all are now?? I want pics too!Johnny O:

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