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It's been 5 years since I left for Pittsburgh. John and I started dating, when he surprised me at my home in Pittsburgh. Let's recap on that.


I had just got out of the shower, when my dad called me downstairs. "I have a surprise for you." He stated, opening the door.

I see a dirty blonde boy, with emerald, green eyes. He his holding something. A puppy. A vizsla puppy.  **if you don't know what kind of dog that is, I would advise that you look it up, they're really cute**

I was speechless. My mouth opened but no words would come out. "Oh... my... god!" Is all I could, finally get out.

John laughs and hugs me, still with the puppy in his arms. "Why?" I ask, short- breathed.

John laughs again. "Why not?" He says while putting the dog on the ground.

It's little legs run up to me and stop by my feet. I see it lick my calf's.

"Oh my god." I say in a higher pitched voice, while picking up the adorable puppy.

I look over at my dad and John. Both of them are smiling. "What's her name?" While giving it a kiss on her forehead.

"Beasley." John says while walking over to me.

" I love it." I say with a smile, kissing John on the cheek.

"Whoa! I better leave!" My Dad jokes.

We both laugh. Once my dad leaves, Johnny asks me to be his girlfriend. I couldn't be any happier. I loved him, and he, finally, loved me.

John has been coming to Pittsburgh a lot more often, and I've been going to LA. Beasley has turned 5 today. John is supposed to come over, to be extra, and celebrate with me. Lauren will also be over.

Lauren and I couldn't be closer. She comes over every day and I couldn't be happier about it. I love her so much, and she makes me happy when John can't.

I've just been sitting on the couch, waiting for John to come. He said that he landed about 20 minuets ago, so hopefully he will be here soon.

Just as I think that, I hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it Dad!" I yell to my dad, who was upstairs.

I open the door and see John with a present in his hand. Beasley runs up to him and jumps up and down, trying to make John pick her up.  He sets down the present and holds Beasley up in the air, then brings her back down.

I go up to Johnny and give him a huge hug. "I'm so happy you're hear." I say while digging my head into his chest.

He gives off a tiny laugh. "I love you, you know that right." He says while pulling apart from the hug, and holding my arms.

"Of course I do!" I say, happily.

"Good." John says with a smile.

My Dad comes running down the stairs. "JOHNNY, MY MAN!" He yells while giving John a great, big bear hug.

John laughs. John's been laughing a lot more often which takes me back a couple of years, to one of my greatest memories.


John and I were playing with Beasley outside. I throw the stuffed duck all the way, to the point were it goes over the fence. "Shit!" I say, surprised.

John laughs. I love that laugh, his laugh makes me happy.. happier then I've ever been.

Before you know it, Beasley jumps over the fence.

Our laughs fade, we both look at each other... and then laugh again.

I see Beasley jump back over the fence. "Look!" I say, still laughing.

She sprints over to John and tackles him to the ground. "Beasley!" He try's to get out, over the licking and sniffing of his face.

John laugh again, this time, Beasley's tongue slips into John's mouth. "EW!" John screams.

I laugh, I laugh so hard to the point were I pee my pants.

"I just fucking PEED!" I say, still giggling.

John leans up from the ground, and bursts out into tears of laughter.

That was one of the best days of my life.

"KENZIE!" Both, John and my Dad yell at the same time.

I shake my head out of my thoughts. "Sorry, I had a flashback."

John nods, still smiling. I smile with him.

His beautiful smile, gives me another flashback.


I lay down on my bed, next to John. I look over and see a huge smile on his face.

"God, I love you so much, Kenzie." He says pulling my face into a kiss.

I laugh, and kiss him back.

That was also a great memory. I walk over to Beasley, John following me, and start to play tug of war. My life has been so much better since I first went to LA. My dad and I are as close as can be, Lauren and I have gotten so much closer. Annie and Ruby, like me for who I am now, and finally... I'm dating the best guy in the world.

"I love life. Life with you." I say pointing to my Dad. "Life with you!" I say pointing to Lauren who has just walked into my house. I see confusion on her face, but I didn't mind. "And especially, life with you." I say, giving John a hug. "And I couldn't forget Beasley." I say petting her head.

Everyone eyebrows scrunch together, even the dog's head cocks to the side.

"What?" I ask plainly.

"Are you high?" John whispers in my ear.

I slap his arm and laugh. "Of course not!" I state. "I just love everyone."

They all burst out laughing.

"Let's get this party started, shall we!" My Dad says, while clapping his hands together.

It's all over! The book.. is finished! Thank you all so much for 6k reads by the way! Love ya! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter AND the book. Don't forget that my new story 'our little secret', the first 6 chapters, will be out in a week or so. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, look out for that book, trust me, it'll be a good one. I love you all! Don't forget to comment and vote!💕💕(1069) words.

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