^Chapter 8^

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I got up this morning from my hospital bed. The nurses did a couple more checks on my body to make sure I can make it out of here with barely any pain.

Today is the day. Brandon in coming to Pittsburgh to meet me in person. I'm kinda nervous but like I shouldn't be because I'm just using him to stop the feelings I feel for Johnny. I know, I know, it's a terrible thing to use someone but I fell like this is the only way I could do it. I got an excuse from school today just to make sure things go smoothly. I get an Uber home, because my car is at the shop getting fixed. When I arrive home I try to run up the stairs but I stop myself realizing that I'm still hurt.

I quickly take a shower to get rid of dried blood/extra dirt. As I walk out of the shower, I almost slip on the wet floor. "Shit!" I say out loud. I sighing in relief catching my breath. I precariously walk to my counter and dry my hair. I decided to put it in a cute messy bun with stands hanging out to frame my face. I put on some mascara, blush/bronzer, highlighter, lip gloss, and I do my brows. I also put on a little bit of pink-ish eyeshadow to go with this outfit that I picked out. He told me to wear something comfortable. I still don't know where we are going though:

 I still don't know where we are going though:

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I walk down my staircase down to my kitchen. I sit at the counter where I can see out of the window. Brandon texts me.

Brandon: I'm here!

I walk out of my door and open Brandon's car door.

"This is a nice car." I say looking around.

"Thank you Kenzie." Brandon says while looking me up and down.

"You look nice." He says while putting his car in reverse to get out of my driveway.

"Thanks. You look nice too." I say to him while looking at him.

Wow. That felt so wrong, in so many ways... why am I doing this to myself. I know why I'm doing this to myself. Till I get over John. Why am I even saying he looks nice anyways? He's literally only wearing basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. What the fuck, I actually tried.

Brandon's Point of View

Mackenzie really is very pretty. I'm taking her to a trampoline park. I actually kinda only want to take her to see her boobs bounce.
**ew Brandon you perv**
Kenzie just has the nicest, roundest, and what looks to be the softest ass. I want her to be comfortable enough with me so that I can use it as a pillow.

Kenzie's point of view

Brandon gives me the weirdest vibes but I m going to trust that he's not going to touch me without my consent. With Johnny it would be different. John doesn't give me weird vibes. John makes me feel warm, and happy. Brandon makes me feel awkward, and uncomfortable.

"We're here!" Brandon says while parking his car.

I look out the window. We're at a trampoline park. Ok I can have fun here....right?

We walk in side by side. Brandon tries to reach for my hand but I smoothly put my two hands together and walk the rest of the way. Brandon got us the sock things you have to wear.

"I want you to show me the best trick you can do." Brandon says while we walk onto the big trampoline.

I give a cute little laugh. I didn't want Brandon to think I hated him. I sigh and do a Front Ariel/Ariel front walkover. Brandon claps.

"That was great, but I know you can do better." He says while giving me a light push on the shoulder.

I sigh and say "I'd like to you do a front Ariel."

"BET" he yelled.

I shush him while laughing. Brandon gives off a little sigh. He didn't even give himself a running start. Bad idea. He just jumped and flipped.

"Heyy, that was not a front Ariel!" I pout to him.

"Shut up." He says lightly pushing me.

I fake fall over. We both start to laugh.

"This is kinda fun." He says while looking at me. I'm just laying there.

"Kinda fun." I say while getting up. "I'm delightful." I say while jumping around.

I fall on my butt right next to him. This time, Brandon gets up and jumps around. He grabs my hands and starts dancing/jumping to the music that's playing. We both laugh and fall over, our heads next to each other.

"Kenz, you're really great to be around." Brandon says to me while touching my hand. This time I don't resist. He has my consent.

"You are too." I say to Brandon squeezing his hand.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.....


Y'all when I wrote this i was getting mad at myself for writing it. I just need some drama in this book ok. I'm not sure how many chapters I want in the book, I was thinking maybe 25...more?? Let me know! Also give me ideas of what I would write for when Kenzie goes to La!
(926) words
Edit: thank y'all so much for 100 reads. It's not a lot to you guys but it's a lot for me. Also thank you to the person that voted on all my chapters. I appreciate it! 💕

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