^Chapter 18- part two^

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"John.... who am I-" Well I guess I should be asking him who he wants me to be... right? "Well, who do you want me to be?" I continue.

John physically laughs this time. "They really are tearing you down, aren't they?" He whispers to himself, I heard him say it though.

My mouth makes a sigh. "John what do you want me do?" I ask. "I can't do this by myself."

John rolls his eyes. I think he's mad now. "You know, we only met because of a fucking wrong number. I think you can do this by yourself. I'm not your super hero. This isn't a cliche love story, this is real life."

Whoa! What is happening?

"John... I thought you said I was innocent?" I say while more tears prick my eyes. I'm sure I look like a mess right now.

"Eh..." He said while, finally, walking out of his room.

*SLAM* I'm pretty sure John meant to slam his door. He had to mean it. What is wrong with me? Why did I listen to Annie so much? If I would've just done what I wanted, I wouldn't be in this situation. Maybe the party will let me loosen me up. I'm definitely not going to skip now. Maybe I'll even dress up a little bit, get me out of my slump. That won't ever work. I argue with myself. But I reassure myself that it will.

I look at the time. 3:00 pm. Woah did me and John fight for that long? Guess so. I was told that the party started at 7:30 so I still have plenty of time. I decided to text the girls to come up by me. They may have changed me a little bit but I need some people to talk to, face to face.

After a while I heard footsteps coming up the wood staircase. I was hoping those footsteps were the steps of the girls, and not John.

The door opened and I see the two faces; one girl with dark hair and brown eyes and one girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. "Oh thank god!" I accidentally sat out loud.

I cover my mouth up with my hand right away but that, of course, didn't do anything. They both giggle a little bit—but without being rude. "We heard what happened..." Ruby says while coming into Johnny's room. Annie follows.

"John told you?" I say while rubbing my forehead.

They both look at each other. "No, we heard John screaming from downstair-" Annie pauses. "And we promised that we will NEVER tell you what to do, in a bad way, again. We promise that we will let you wear what you want to wear and let you do what you want to do." She continued.

I give a little smile. "Thanks guys." I say while patting the bed so they can lay down by me.

Ruby smiles. "Do you want some Takis?" She asked, in the cutest way possible.

I laugh. "Of course I do."

I walk downstairs, still mad and John, and grab a bag of Takis. The girls decided that maybe we shouldn't be in John's room, so we moved to the guest room— where Annie, Hayden, and Ruby sleep.

We all talk and laughed until it was time to get ready for the party.

First, Annie did Dutch braids in her hair. Then, changed into her outfit, before doing her makeup. This was Annie's Outfit:

She looked really good, even without the makeup

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She looked really good, even without the makeup. But she still wanted to pack that shit on her face so he went all out and put on foundation, concealer, bronzer, highlighter, eyeshadow, mascara, lashes, and finally she did her eyebrows. She did look beautiful though. Hayden's a luck man.

Next, was me. I straightened my, sort of, freshly cut layers. I put on my makeup before putting on my outfit, like a smart person would do. I did foundation, concealer, a little bit a bronzer, highlighter, a tiny bit of eyeshadow, mascara, and to top on all off I did my brows. I tried to pick out an outfit that I liked, but Annie wanted to add her special touch—even though she said she would let me wear whatever I wanted. We all came in conclusion that I was going to wear this outfit:

 We all came in conclusion that I was going to wear this outfit:

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It shows my whole back... so I couldn't wear a bra. Instead of wearing the heels that Annie picked out for me, I put on a pair of vans. I sat down on the bed and waited for Ruby to get changed.

Ruby left her hair natural and did a little bit of makeup before putting in her outfit. She said she wanted to look more natural. This is the outfit Ruby picked out before hand:

 This is the outfit Ruby picked out before hand:

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The top looked adorable on her. She was literally the cutest girl I've ever met. She did the whole spiel with her makeup as well; the same as Annie's.

Once everyone is ready, all 3 of us walk down stairs to leave with the boys. I wasn't too happy with interacting with John for about 15 minutes in the car but you gotta do what you gotta do. The boys walk down right after us. I glance over at John, who looks pissed. Did I make him mad? Whatever.

I open the door, trying to get away from John, and walk to the car. Ruby gives me a look that says 'you can't ignore him forever.' I just roll my eyes and get into my seat.

The car ride was...interesting. Umm, there definitely was an awkward silence but the music kind of covered that up.

Hayden, who was driving, parallel parks on the side of the rode, next to the house. There seem to be lots of cars here.

The whole group walks to the door. The butterflies start in my stomach. I can't even explain how I feel at the moment. It's like I'm going to throw up, but I'm also excited to drink a lot of liquor.

As soon as Annie opens the door I see the face of someone who looks familiar. He has a dark skin tone, light brown eyes, and black, curly hair. He looks pretty attractive, but I knew I've seen that beautiful face before.

That's when I remember..... Kendrick.

Oooooo! Sorry for not posting this second part right away. I kinda forgot. And sorry for this being such a boring chapter, I needed something to fill in the time between home and when they go to the party. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment. 💕(1115) words.

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