^Chapter 12^

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"Well....." I start.

"When I was 14 I had a boyfriend. His name was Kendrick. He was very attractive for a 14 year old, I'm not gunna lie... of course not as attractive as you." I give off a tiny laugh while I say that last part. I look over at Johnny and he's smiling. Yay. "Anyways, one night I was bored and my parents weren't home. I decided to walk over to Kendrick's house... Mind you, his house was 30 minuets away. Once I had finally got to his house I opened the door to his room and he was with his friends. I thought nothing of it, right? Wrong. I opened the door and they all just went silent. I was confused but I was a clueless 14 year old so I just sat on his bed while his friends were sitting next to him. I asked Kendrick what they were all talking about and he said it was nothing. I then started to get a little suspicious but I just brushed it off. Finally one of the friends broke the silence and said "I'm sorry but I can't keep this awkward silence anymore. Mackenzie, Kendrick says that your pussy smells bad. Like really bad." They all start to laugh at me and then Kendrick says something like "it's true. And I'm sorry to say but you really are a terrible kisser, too." I just gave off a little laugh trying to brush things off but it didn't work. They kept laughing at me... and...I don't know, they were just being typical teenage boys, I guess." Now that I'm talking about this story, it doesn't sound like something to really be hung up over but I guess what happened after was pretty bad. "The next day at school, there were pictures of me all over the school and like a caption saying something along the lines of "The girl with a gross kitty" or something like that. It was just all really embarrassing and I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. I knew I shouldn't have dated him. So obviously we broke up and that night I went to get some weed from the stoners at school. They had recognized me from the pictures but I didn't care, I got as much I could and I got home and got as high as I possibly could've gotten. I guess you could say that Kendrick made me stoner... well I'm not really a stoner I just smoke weed every once and a while when I get bad anxiety attacks." All of this was true. I looked over at Johnny and he looked like he was still taking in everything I had just said.

I look down at my hands and fiddle my fingers around. Finally, John speaks. "I'm really sorry to hear that, Kenzie. I feel really bad about the whole school scenario."

I interrupt him by saying, "Oh god. Now you probably think that I have a smelly kitty, but I promise you, after that, I fixed everything up." Shit should I have said that?

John laughs. Was he laughing about me being awkward? Oh god, what did I get myself into. "Kenzie, don't worry. I wasn't thinking that at all. I just feel so bad about it because I mean you were only 14 and had like no idea...." John pauses "....so I guess you aren't a virgin then, right?" That question surprised me a little bit, not going to lie.

I look out the window, then look down at my fingers. "I guess so. I'm not proud that I lost my virginity at 14, it just all happened so quick. That's a story for another day though."

John nods. "Are you still a virgin?" I ask. Oh god, why did I ask that???

"Well Kenz, if you must ask, I'm not. Nadia, She made me fuck her. It was terrible and I hated every last bit of it. I was seriously soft the entire time!" Johnny laughs at the last part. I laugh too, that's actually kind of funny.

I fell asleep for the last 15 minutes we had in the car. John peacefully woke me up when we got to the airport. As the both of us walked in, John just looked at me the whole time. It kind of made me smile. It wasn't creepy at all, it was sweet. John's a sweet boy, and I love him for that. Wait... I just said I love him. I don't though, not yet.

Me and John go through security and check my luggage and all the stuff. We find our gate and sit down next to an outlet so we can charge our phones. I look over at Johnny. He's so concentrated on whatever he's doing on his phone. That was when I got a notification.

Johnny o: GUYSSSSA me and Kenz are bout to board the planeeeeee
Kenzie: I'm so freaking excited guyssssslakshdhak
Annie💜🌞: holy shit I can't wait to meet you!!!
Hayden s: ^^^^^^^^^
Ruby💋🌹: I can't wait to see your beautiful faceeeewwskal
Johnny o: ^^ I've already seen it..... she's even prettier in person
Hayden s: whatttttrtrtidkslshfhj. JENZIEEEEEEEEE

I look over at John. He looks back at me and smiles. "Why'd you have to say thattt." I wine to him. He looks over at me and rolls his eyes playfully. "It's true." He says to me while leaning in closer. I'm not going to have my first kiss with Johnny at an airport... hell to the no!

I look back at my phone and type to the groupchat.

Kenzie: guyyssss let's not focus on that right nowwww. John and I are boarding the plane in 5 minuetssss!!!
Ruby💋🌹: note* you, AND JOHN
Kenzie: 🙄🙄
Annie💜🌞: Kenzie just admit that you guys both like each other
Johnny o: GUYS!! Stfu! Let's not do this right now. Your ruining the fucking mood!
Kenzie: Guys, John is actually mad. Let's not do this right now.
Hayden s: ok ok sorry guys! We can't wait to see you though!

I look over at John again. He really is mad. I hate to see him like this. "John, are you okay??" I ask him. I'm actually concerned. "Oh yeah, of course. It's just annoying how much they talk about that shit." Johnny says while brushing everything off. I can see him start to relax. "Everything's going to be just fine." I get closer to him and kiss him on the cheek. I wasn't ready to go for the lips yet...... I know that sounds dumb but I don't want my first kiss with Johnny to be in an airport.

John gives a little smile but then opens his mouth like he is going to speak. Nothing comes out for a while but he finally says something. "Kenz, So.... you like actually.. smoke weed?" He sounds very hesitant when he says this sentence. Jesus Christ, what the hell do I say? "Well I guess. But I do it as a stress reliever kinda thing. I'm not like a total stoner...I don't know. It's hard to explain." I reply to him. He looks at me then looks forward with a smile. "Girls that smoke weed are lowkey so hot though." John looks at me after he said that like he regretted it. But I'm glad he said it. I laugh escapes my mouth. John laughs with me.

That's when our gate was called to board the plane.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I kinda had fun writing it. Don't forget to vote and comment!💕
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