^Chapter 20^

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That night, I fell asleep with warm, tears falling out of my eyes.

I'm the morning the sound of a shower being turned on, woke me up. I look around and see that John isn't in the bed.

"John?" I ask while getting up slowly, but stopping after I feel a pounding in my head. No answer.

I make a face and rub my forehead a little while getting out the John's bed. I look in the bathroom and see that John has turned on the shower for me. I smile at the thought. He left me a note. It says;

Dear Kenzie,
Hayden and I are going out for the day. Don't worry, we won't do anything stupid. Have fun with the girls.... and don't take their bad advise. ASLO have fun at your dance class today, hopefully the hangover won't mess you up too much. See you soon!

I giggle at how messy John's handwriting is. I love it though, it makes me happy.

My body makes its way to the shower. I clean my hair, and just think for a little bit. So are John and I good? I thought we were fighting? Wait, what the hell happened last night?

I try to think about what had happened, but all I can remember was that I knew Kendrick was there. I remembered him talking to me, and then he gave me a lot of Hennessy. I remembered being in the car and seeing John's bloody knuckles. I can only put two and two together. Kendrick must have tried to do something to me, after the Hennessy, and John fought him off. That must be it!

I smile, because I figured out what happened. About 30 minutes later, I was turning off the shower. I look in the mirror, while getting out, and see the huge bags under my eyes. I rub my face a little bit and change into an 'Anti Social Social Club' hoodie and spandex.

While opening the door, I see Annie and Ruby sitting on John's bed, waiting for me.

"What happened last night?" Annie asked excitedly, which kind of startled me.

I roll my eyes. "I don't remember all that much." I say while sitting next to them.

Ruby nodded. "I'm sure. You were pretty wasted."

"I guess so." I reply with a sigh. "The only thing I remember was looking at Johns bloody knuckles while we were in the car." That was a lie, I remember more than that.

Annie nods, but opens her mouth to speak. "If you don't remember this, Ruby and I left you with a guy. He was really attractive though."

I nod. "Yeah I don't remember what that guy looks like anymore." I reply, which is another lie.

"And I saw him giving you some Hennessy a little bit after we left you guys alone." Ruby added.

I nod again. "Yup, That sounds familiar."

I look over at the clock, 12:45pm. I have my dance class at 7:00pm to 9:00pm, so I have plenty of time to hang out.

"What do you guys want to do today, before I have to go to dance?" I say, changing the subject.

I see a face of concentration settled on both of their faces. "Starbucks?" Ruby asks in the cutest way possible.

"Oooo, Wait. Let's take pictures instead!" Annie said.

Ruby's eyes light up. "That sounds like a better idea.

I smile while running into the bathroom. I throw in some Dutch braids in my hair, and do the whole spiel with my makeup; foundation, concealer, bronzer, mascara, highlight, and to top it all off I did my brows.

I changed into my outfit and we went outside to take out pictures.

I was the first to take Annie's picture:

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