3. Game Night

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Juliet's POV:
We were all in the common room. Me, Ced, Nikki, Fred and George were having game night. We all got to choose a game. We just finished up chess. I beat Ced and tought Nikki how to play. It was George's turn to pick. We were all sitting in the circle. " Ok so the objective of the game is to raise your hand if you fit in that category... For example raise your hand if you go to Hogwarts..." He says. All five of us raise our hands. " See easy..." He says. " Raise your hand if you play quidditch..." George says. Everyone raises their hands but Nikki. George laughs and points at her. "Don't laugh at me. I wear this tight ass outfit and practice three times a week. And to add this year I'm head cheerleader." I say crossing my arms. I giggle. " Next..." I say. " Ok... Raise your hand if you're a virgin..." George says. I look to Ced who shakes his head. He wasn't going to raise his hand. I can't lie. Everyone raises their hands but me and Ced. "What now?!" Nikki asks looking at us. I look down blush spreading across my face. I bite my lip. "I think you owe me five galleons." She says holding her hand out. I reach into my pocket and dish out. I put the five galleons in her hand. " I am utterly amazed..." George says. "Thank you very much." Nikki says smirking as she pulls her hand away. " When? How?" Fred asks. " My birthday and Fred you know the how..." Ced says embarrassment evident in his tone. "Why do you have to ask how? It's simple. He stuck his dick up her pussy." Nikki says and then laughs like a crazy person. I face palm and groan. My groans are harmonized with Ced's. I can tell he's just as annoyed with the situation as I am. Nikki is still laughing and she falls partway off the couch. She struggles to get back up as she is still laughing.

   " Can we please just not talk about this anymore?" I ask. "It's funny though." Nikki says still struggling to get back up on the couch. " Please tell me you at least used protection..." Fred says. " Of course..." I lie. We were so caught up in the moment we hadn't. "Your lying!" Nikki points at us and falls off the couch the rest of the way. " What? No!" I argue. "Juliet I know you like the back of my hand." Nikki says crossing her arms. " We did..." Ced says lying now. He was the one who was good at it. "Cedric your like a brother and I know when your lying too." Nikki says still not convinced. I groan. " I'm sure when you do it you'll forget too..." I say crossing my arms. "I'm on birth control." Nikki says pulling herself onto the couch. " Lucky you..." I say sarcastically. "Yeah my sister was talking to me and she was like 'so your getting to that age where there is a lot of sexual tension...' then I said 'just get to the point.' she was like 'I'm putting you on birth control.' and my response was 'okay.'" Nikki tells the story while laughing. " And I'm like ' Fuck you!'" I say smartly. "Your just mad because you might get pregnant." She says giggling. " I'm not going to get pregnant..." I whine. "We're all hoping for that." She says still laughing. I groan.

    " You better run George or I will kill you..." I say. George gets up and runs to the boys dorm. Instead of making it he falls back down the stairs with Lee. " George you have five seconds..." I warn. "He ran into me!" George runs back up the stairs. "Actually you ran into me." Lee says and gets up. "So what you guys doing?" He asks sitting in between Nikki and Fred. Nikki looks up at him with a 'what the fuck' face after he separates her from her boyfriend. I giggle. " We were playing a game but George ruined it..." I say. Nikki looks over annoyed and shakes her head. "You are so third wheeling right now." She says looking back at Lee. He laughs. " Fred was my friend before he was your boyfriend..." He says. " Even then you were fourth wheeling... You followed the three of us all of the time..." I say laughing. " Well maybe it's because I thought you were cute..." He says. I see Ced stiffen in his chair. "I strongly advise you never to say that again." Nikki says to Lee seeing how tense Cedric was. "And Fred loves me more so don't fight me on this." She adds. Lee looks highly confused. I get up and sit in Ced's lap. I take his hand in mine and rub it lightly. " Calm down..." I whisper. He nods and closes his eyes. It is awkwardly quiet now. "It's too quiet some one say something." Nikki complains. " I'm assuming you have a letter to Padfoot to write now..." I say. I don't say Sirius's name because Lee is here. "I do! Oh my gosh I almost forgot!" She says jumping up and running upstairs. Ced chuckles. " I just hope my dad doesn't find that..." He says. Lee raises an eyebrow. Fred laughs. "Where is some Damn parchment?!" Nikki shouts from upstairs and I hear a lot of banging and sounds of things hitting the floor. I sigh. " Check Hermione's stuff!" I shout. I hear some more stuff hit the floor. "Finally!" I hear her shout and then it's quiet. I giggle. " That girl is going to be the death of me..." Ced says chuckling. " Tell me about it..." I say laughing. "Try dating her." Fred says jokingly. "Can I borrow Hedwig so I can send it!?" Nikki shouts down at us. " Yes!" I shout up. "Okay!" She shouts again and once again it's quiet. I sigh. " Sometimes I wonder about her..." I say laughing. "I sent it!" Nikki sings as she walk downstairs.

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