19. Patronus Trouble

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Juliet's POV:

We walk slowly but finally make it to the common room. We go through the portrait hole. The boys were sitting in the common room. Both of their heads snap up when we walk in. "Careful." Nikki says watching my steps. I walk cautiously forward. I look at Ced and bite my lip. I then look down. "You okay Jay?" He asks. I nod. All I want is to be in his arms again. I'm scared. "You want me to help you to him?" Nikki asks whispering to me. I nod. Nikki carefully helps me over to Cedric. " I'm sorry..." I breath out. "It's okay baby. Your going through a lot." He says taking my free hand in his. " It's not ok... I hurt you..." I say tears forming in my eyes. Nikki helps me slowly sit down next to Ced. "Juliet, I know you didn't mean it. If you did you wouldn't be apologizing. No matter what I'm going to be here for you. I love you." He says looking into my eyes. Nikki turns to walk away. " I love you too..." I breath out.

He pulls me carefully into a loving hug. I see Nikki grab Fred's hand and lead him upstairs. I hold him tightly. I don't want to let him go. He rubs my back. He kisses my head. " I'm so sorry..." I say apologizing again. "It's okay. I've told you it's fine. It'll all get better." He says. I pull a little bit away. I smash my lips to his. My arms didn't hurt anymore and were almost healed so I wasn't gentle. He kisses back sliding his tongue into my mouth. I moan lightly and move my hands into his hair, tugging lightly. He groans quietly pulling me closer to him. I don't know why but I started to get nervous. I pull away abruptly. "Did I do something wrong?" He asks with a worried look. " No..." I say biting my lip. No you did nothing wrong Ced. Just my stupid nervousness. "Then what's wrong? You can talk to me you know that." He says looking into my eyes. " I got nervous..." I say looking down. I was scared to get sexual again. "Why baby? It's just me." He says. I close my eyes. " I'm scared to have sex again..." I say then bite my lip. He looks at me for a second then pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry. I understand. I'll wait until you are ready again." He says. I was slightly shaking. I hated not being able to go there with him. I wanted his touch but I was scared to receive it. "It's okay. I understand why you are scared." He says pulling away and looking into my eyes. I wish I could give him that. " I'm sorry..." I say softly. I wanted to try but I was scared. He did it with me when he was scared of hurting me.

" I want to try... We just have to be slow..." I say. "Okay. Just tell me if your uncomfortable." He says. I nod. I wait for him to make the first move. He slowly leans in pressing his lips to mine. I kiss him back hesitantly. His tongue runs along my bottom lip asking for entrance. I hesitate for a second. Then I open my mouth slightly allowing him entrance. He carefully slides his tongue into my mouth. I moan lightly. I slowly lay back on the couch. He follows me and places his hands at the hem of my shirt but doesn't take it off. I continue to kiss him softly. I feel his hand go under my shirt slowly and land on my bare hips. He continues to kiss me lovingly. I start to feel slightly uncomfortable. No Juliet you got this. I continue to kiss him. His hands slowly move up my waist. This sends shivers down my spine. No Juliet don't pull away. He pulls his lips away and kisses my jawline gently. I bite my lip. Come on Jay. Don't chicken out. He slowly works down to my neck. I moan slightly. His arms wrap around my waist to pull me closer as he continues to carefully work on my neck. I feel his growing erection press against my privates. I feel I'm close to my breaking point. No Jay you got this. It's just Ced. His arms unwrap me and go back to the bottom of my shirt slowly starting to lift it up. I can't take it. " Stop..." I say quickly. He pulls away. "Okay." He says sitting up. "I'm sorry." He apologizes. " It's ok... It's me... You did nothing wrong..." I say sitting up. He nods. "It'll get better eventually." He says. " I thought I could... I just started to panic..." I say running a hand through my hair. "It's okay. I understand." He says taking my hand in his. I smile at him. " I really want to it's just when I'm in the situation I start to think about things..." I explain. He at least deserved that. "I understand. It's fine. I don't love you any less. Actually I think it makes me love you more for being so honest with me." He says smiling. I smile at him. " Thank you for understanding... It's just really hard..." I say. "I know." He says kissing the back of my hand. I smile at him.

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