Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I walk down the loud streets of New Orleans, it's night and when night comes so does the parting. I found it, my apartment. The new place I would call home. I go up to my room which sat on the second floor. It was silent threw out the building except for a few noises you hear on the streets. I walk into my apartment and sigh setting the four bags I carried in. 

New Orleans, new start, new life. I knew it would never be true, yet that didn't bother me at this moment. I walk into my room and set my bags down. I open it letting the music come into my apartment as I unpack. 

One bag carried all my clothes, another carried all my things I need, toothbrush, tooth paste, brush, etc. Third bag held some more clothes and a few things to have around the house. The fourth bag carried something I take with me everywhere, guns and knives. I hung up all my clothes and put everything else away. My fourth bag still sat on my bed. I checked the clock; it was 11:34. 

Though there were still many boxes to unpack, I decided to explore the city before returning home to get some sleep. I zipped up my bag and laid it in a chair before putting my long, straight, blond and black hair up. I grabbed my phone and a small camera before walking out of my apartment. This place was so beautiful. I walked down the sidewalk as I past people who were dancing in the streets.I turned a sharp corner in hopes of escaping the crowd of people, only to be met with an empty alley. I walked down it and stopped when I heard a noise coming from behind me. 

I turned around but didn't see anyone. I turned around and saw a man with short, blond hair standing there "you shouldn't be out here alone" the man said. 

"Well, you know I just love danger" I said with a smile "well if you do then I came to deliver" the man said holding out his hands. He ran up to me fast, he was a vampire. When he appeared in front of me I went to hit him but he grabbed my arm stopping me and grabbed my camera. I pushed it and had it smack in his face "that was my only camera" I said acting like I was upset. 

"You Bitch" the man said as his nose started to bleed and he charged for me. I quickly ran at him as well and slid between his legs. I stood up behind him but he knew that and grabbed my throat, pinning me to the wall. I winced in pain as my back hit the brick wall "not so tough now are you" the man said with a smile. 

"Yup" I said and stabbed him with a knife that I kept in my back pocket, making him drop me. I quickly slashed the guy's throat and he stood there for second before falling to the ground, blood pouring out on the ground. I rubbed my neck and stepped over the guy looking at him and whipping my knife on his jacket. 

"So much for a normal life" I said with a sigh and I walked down the street, going back to my apartment. I looked around and took a few pictures of different places; all of a sudden I looked threw my camera at a balcony and put the camera down, not believing who I was seeing. "Klaus" I said shocked.

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