Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


I sat on the coffee table as Klaus was unconscious and laying on the couch in front of me. Everyone was silent, Rebekah, me, even Elijah had nothing to say, but finally Connie spoke. "I think what is wrong with Klaus is something that happens to vampires a lot, they just don't know it" Connie said to us. "What is it" I asked "well, it; s hard to describe" Connie said, and I quickly pinned her to the wall "what is it" I yelled in her face.

Connie looked at me and didn't answer making me sigh and let her go. I walked back over to Klaus and sat back down on the table, looking at Klaus as Connie spoke. "It's something that makes monsters," everyone looked at her "I mean vampires snap, I think when we did the spell it triggered that," Connie said. "So it is like something that just snaps inside of the brain to make you, what evil," I asked? "Not evil, lose control," Connie said "do you have anything to help him," Elijah asked?

"There is something that I can make to help him, but I do have to worn you, it hold vervain in it," Connie said. "It won't matter, vervain won't kill us like it would other vampires," Elijah said and Connie nodded "okay, I will get it ready, Rebekah can you show me where you keep some of your vervain,"? Rebekah nodded and left the room with Connie.

"I didn't think we had vervain," I said to Elijah who I knew was still in the room "Rebekah keeps a little in her jewelry box in case of emergency's,". I nodded "I don't think I can keep doing this, putting everyone in danger," "you're not," Elijah said laying a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Well you're not the one who got cursed, almost died, did die, and now is going crazy practically," I said with a small smirk.

All of a sudden Klaus eyes flew open, and he quickly sat up, looking around confused "Klaus" I asked a little nervous to see if it was really him. "Alicia" Klaus said and I could tell by his voice it was really him. I smiled and hugged him surprising him a little and pulled away "what happened to me" Klaus asked confused as Connie walked in. "You're going crazy" I said with a smile making Klaus mock me and stood up.

"It's a long story, all you need to know is that Connie can fix it," Elijah said with his arms crossed. "Well, I'm not so sure now," Connie said making us all look at her "what is that suppose to mean," I asked trying to contain my anger. "Well, you told me that vervain doesn't affect you guys, so I looked in my spell book and it says that whatever you use has to have some kind of effect on them," we all looked at her confused.

"Like for vampires its vervain, a wolf, wolfsbane, originals," Connie looked at us to answer "white oak stake," Elijah said almost a whisper. "Wait, are you saying that Klaus as to drink the white oak stake," I asked confused? "All we have to do is get a little of the white oak stake, put it in the drink, then he drinks it," Connie said. We were all silent "can I have a moment with my brother," Elijah said to us and looked up at Klaus.

Connie and I left the room.


Alicia and Connie left, leaving Elijah and I alone. "What is on your mind brother" Elijah asked me and I sighed walking over to the fireplace and leaning on it. "Oh nothing, just the fact that ether I can stay like this and risk hurting Alicia and my unborn child or I can drink something that could kill me" I said with a smile like it was nothing. Elijah looked at me knowing that I was hiding that I was a little nervous.

"What do you think of doing" Elijah asked me "well, I guess my choices are very limited" I said with a smile. "Connie" I called and Connie, Alicia, and Rebekah walked in "lets do it" I said and Connie nodded while Alicia and Rebekah looked at me shocked "Klaus, no don't do this" Alicia said walking over to me. "This isn't your choice" "you could die" Alicia said trying to convince me.

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead "I'll be fine" I said and Alicia looked at me upset as Connie handed me a cup with something inside of it. Alicia looked at me, I could tell by her ace she was telling me not to do it.


I couldn't take it, I wasn't going to stand here and watch the only guy I've ever really care about die. I fast walked outside and leaned on the railing, not wanting to watch or listen. I stared out at the yard as I was deep in thought; it didn't seem like I wasn't thinking of anything but at the same time it felt like I had everything on my mind. I stood there for a while before I heard the door open and turned around to face Klaus who closed the door and smirked.

"See, I told you I wouldn't die," Klaus said walking up to me and I looked up at him with a mad face. "What's wrong," Klaus asked me concerned "What's wrong? What's wrong is that you are always trying to put yourself in danger and you don't even care," I said. Klaus took a step away from me and sighed "what am I suppose to do then, let that affect me," Klaus asked mad. "No, but you can't just wipe it off like it is nothing," I said making Klaus sigh.

"Okay, listen to me, I am Klaus Mikaelson, I don't have fears, I'm not scared" I said confused a little. "Fine, next time you die, I won't bring you back to life" I said mad and walked inside, slamming the door shut and going upstairs. I sighed as I started to clean up my room as I heard a little knock on my door. "Hello Elijah" I said not looking up, knowing it was him as I put some books away. "You shouldn't be so hard on him" Elijah said to me.

I laughed and looked over at Elijah "really, that is you're answer" I asked and shook my head as I finish putting books away. "Klaus says he has no fears, but he does" Elijah said walking in. "Yeah right, Niklaus Mikaelson has no fears, never has, never will" I said and sat on the end of my bed. "Alicia, it's you" Elijah said, and I was silent "he cares more about you and this child then you know" Elijah said to me.

"I knew you're telling the truth, but it's just hard to except the fact that the big bad Klaus Mikaelson does have a heart, and it's for me," I said. "Alicia, you are like my sister, Rebekah looks at you as a sister, as a close friend. Klaus dose care about you and he's scared he will lose you," Elijah said to me and I sighed and looked around the room. "Yeah, I know," I said and stood up walking towards the window and looked out at the streets.

"All my life I'm just so use to taking care of myself, not having to worry about someone else. Now I have to worry about Klaus and this child that I don't even know if Klaus wants," I said and looked at Elijah. "Klaus is so big and bad that it's hard to pitcher him not being like that. I mean can you stand there and tell me that you can pitcher Klaus sitting in a chair looking down at his child and smiling, reading stories, and raising a child," I asked Elijah?

I sighed and looked back out the window "I can't believe this is happening," I said. "Alicia, Klaus loves you, and he loves this child. I couldn't imagine Klaus being a father, until you came back, now I see things that I thought I would never see in my whole life," Elijah said making me look at him. "I'll let you get some rest," Elijah said and started to walk out "Elijah," I said making him stop "you really are a good brother," I said.

"And you'll make a good mother" Elijah said before walking out. I sighed and looked out the window before walking over to my bed and sitting in the middle of it, looking around at my new life.

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