Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Right now I'm laying in my bed with Rebekah setting a cold washcloth on my head. Klaus was going to go with Marcel to take Davina back, but I told him I didn't want him to leave. I felt better with him around. Elijah was with Marcel and Davina to see what they could find in Esther's spell book. "She has to get some blood down" Rebekah said as Klaus sat in a chair, watching me. "We've tried everything, we've tried my blood, blood from a blood bag, nothing" Rebekah said.


I sat in a chair and watched as Alicia looked weaker and weaker. "Rebekah, go see if you can find different kinds of blood" I told her. Rebekah nodded and left the room, leaving just Alicia and I alone. "You did that, so we could be alone" Alicia said with a smile. I smiled back and nodded a little "are you scared" I asked her "yes, but of dying, of what will happen to the baby" Alicia said.

An idea came to my head, and I lifted her head and upper body up. I sat down and laid her head on me before biting into my wrist "what are you doing" Alicia asked in a weak voice. "Trying something" I said and held up my wrist to her mouth so she could drink. She took my wrist and drank some of my blood, she could actually keep it down. She pulled away and licked her lips, just as Rebekah walked in. "What did you give her" Rebekah asked, walking over.

"My blood, it seems to have helped," I said with a small smile. "How do you feel," Rebekah asked Alicia "better," she said, sounding better. I laid Alicia down on the bed and had Rebekah fallow me out of the room. "I'm going to figure out how to stop this, I'll fill up a few bottles of blood for Alicia, keep an eye on her and let me know if anything happens," I told Rebekah.

I filled up three bottle of my blood and went hunting before going to find Marcel and Elijah. I got a call and saw that it was Elijah "Klaus" Elijah said and appeared in front of me. I sighed and hung up my phone "what did you find" I asked "Davina can't find a spell to help Alicia, but we might be able to stop the spell" Elijah said. "How" I asked and Elijah sighed "we have to find the one casting the spell". "Alright, have Davina do a locator spell" I started to say "she did". I waited for Elijah to continue "it's out mother" Elijah said.

I looked at him with wide eyes "what do you mean, she is supposed to be dead," "that's what we had thought, turns out she's a lot more powerful than we thought," Elijah said. "Are you sure," I asked Elijah getting mad "Klaus think about it, Alicia gets sick suddenly, she starts seeing Esther in wired places. Our mother wants to hurt us and she knows how you feel about her," Elijah said. "Great, so we find her," I said "we can't lock a location he keeps moving," Elijah said.

I sighed loudly and punched a tree hard, making parts of it fly off and it crack a little. "Alicia is dying and the only thing that seems to make her stronger is my blood," I told Elijah. "How is she," "better, but I can't just keep giving her my blood," I told Elijah "that's it, out mother knows that you'll do anything for Alicia. She's trying to kill you," Elijah said to me "well that does sound like mother," I say.

Suddenly my phone goes off and I answer it to see it's Rebekah "Klaus," Rebekah says threw the phone sounding worried. "Rebekah what is it," I asked confused "she's gone, they took her," Rebekah said sounding like she was struggling. "Who's gone," I asked "Alicia, they took her," Rebekah said "who," I asked mad. "Our mother, she came with some other witches and took Alicia," "and you didn't stop her," I said frustrated. "I couldn't she snapped my neck and now she has a protection spell on the house, I can't get out," Rebekah said.

I sighed and looked at Elijah before starting to walk "okay, stay where you are" I told Rebekah before hanging up the phone. "Where are you going Niklaus" Elijah asked me, following close behind me. I went to the old church and walked inside "I'm paying your little witch friend a visit" "Klaus" Elijah said and took a step in front of me, putting a hand up to stop me. "I know you want to find Alicia, I do to but you and I both know that Marcel won't let you see her".

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