Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


I cuddled into Klaus's chest and smiled as Klaus looked down at me making me look up at him. "Don't you ever scare me like that again" I said with a smile, Klaus smirked "tell Kol that". My smile faded "you don't have to worry about that anymore" I said not looking at Klaus. Klaus looked down at me confused and I sat up and looked at him "I killed Kol". Klaus looked at me with no emotion, I didn't really know what I was expecting him to say or do but I wanted to to do something.

"Say something" I said and Klaus got up and got dressed, keeping silent as I quickly got dressed. "Klaus, say something" "what am I suppose to say" Klaus said turning to face me, anger in his eyes. "You killed my brother" Klaus yelled at me "he killed you, so what, you can kill people but I can't" I asked starting to get mad. "I've daggered my family never fully killed one of them" Klaus yelled at me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing "he was going to die anyway, I just sped up the process" I said. Klaus walked out of the room leaving me there shocked on what just occurred.


I don't know why I yelled at Alicia about killing Kol; I think it was because I wanted to kill him myself. I walked down the stairs and ran into Rebekah "what, did you get too rough for her" Rebekah asked with a smirk and I quickly broke her neck and kept walking out the door. My body didn't seem to listen to my mind. My head was saying what in the hell are you doing, turn back around and surprise Alicia with an apology but my body just kept walking, wanting to kill anything that I saw.

What was wrong with me?


I walked down the stairs to grab myself something to drink as I saw Rebekah on the ground about to stand up. I quickly ran over to her "what happened" I asked grabbing her arm and helping her up. "Your little boyfriend happened" I looked at her confused "I don't know, he just walked down the stairs then broke my neck" Rebekah said mad. "Did he say anything" I asked "no, he just walked out the door" before Rebekah could say anything else I quickly ran out the door and down the streets, looking for Klaus.

I stopped and looked around threw the crowd of people that walked on the sidewalks. "Marcel" I called and ran in human speed over to him "hey Alicia" Marcel said with a smile. "Have you seen Klaus anywhere" I quickly asked him "no, why" Marcel asked confused. "I don't know, he just snapped, he yelled at me for killing Kol then he just broke Rebekah's neck before leaving" I said worried.

"Hey, we'll find him, we all know Klaus, he probably just wanted to kill Kol himself and you know him with Rebekah, she probable just pushed him to far," Marcel said putting his hands on my shoulders. I nodded as Marcel and I looked around town and met up at dark back at the bar where it was empty. "Did you find him," I asked him "nothing," Marcel said.

I sighed and sat in a chair as I looked around "Marcel" I said with a confused look "where is everyone" I asked? Marcel looked around seeing that no one was here, not a soul. Usually there would be someone at the bar or working, but no one was there except for Marcel and I. All of a sudden there was an exploitation in the back making Marcel and I ducked as peaces of the building fell around us. I opened my eyes, hard to see anything with a smoke.

"Marcel" I called before coughing a little from the smoke. Nothing, not a sound except for myself. "Marcel" I called and walked around as my ears picked something up and I quickly jumped into the air as a bullet flew under me. I landed in a kneeling position and looked as I saw a girl with flaming red hair pointing a gun at me. "Hello Alicia" the girl said with a smile.

"Katrina" I said shocked and confused as she shot me with a gun in the shoulder making me yell out in pain. The bullet had vervain in it, making it burn my skin as I held my shoulder while laying on the ground. "I told you that you would pay for what you did to me" Katrina said before kicking me in the face and knocking me out.


I pushed a piece of woods off of me and I stood up coughing as the smoke started to clear. "Alicia" I called and looked around as I heard a gunshot and felt a pain go through my stomach. I looked up to see a girl with red hair pointing a gun at me "tell Klaus Katrina says hi" the girl said as I fell to my knees. I looked down and saw that my stomach was bleeding then everything went black.

I woke up to some shaking me to see Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus "wow, didn't know I deserved the whole family" I said with a smile. "How are you feeling" Elijah asked me "better" I said "good" Klaus said and ran up to me and pinned me to a wall "where is she" Klaus yelled in my face. "I don't know" "liar" Klaus yelled at me slamming me at the wall again. "I don't know" I yelled at him and paused for a second "this girl walked in here and shot me before I could even find Alicia" I said to Klaus.

Klaus was silent as he hesitantly let me go and took a few steps back "you say this girl shot you, did you recognize her," Elijah asked? "No, never seen her before in my life and believe me I would have," I said making Rebekah glare at me. "What did she look like," Elijah asked ignoring Rebekah. "She was tall, dressed like hunter woods, had long, curly red hair, knew how to use a gun," I said.

Everyone was silent as they all looked at each other "did she say anything to you" Klaus asked with his arms crossed and looked at the ground mad. "She told me to tell you something" I said making him look up at me "what" "that "Katrina says hi"" I said. "It can't be her" Rebekah said mad. "Who is this girl" I asked making Elijah sigh "her name is Katrina, she and Klaus had a thing but Klaus never truly loved her".

"When did this start" I asked confused because she was human and she didn't look that old. Klaus sighed "2 weeks before we came here" Elijah said as everyone was silent "so Katrina took her" Rebekah started. "To get back at Klaus" Marcel started "because she still loves him" Elijah started making Klaus look up mad "and she'll do what ever it takes to get me back".


My head was killing me as I rolled my head and opened my eyes. Everything was blurry at first as I could make out a figure standing in front of me and looking down at a table. "About time you woke up" the girl said not looking at me "who are you" I asked weakly as I looked at the girl. "Well, you don't know me, but I know a lot about you Alicia" the girl said mad.

She finally looked at me "my name is Katrina, you took the love of my life away from me,". I looked at her confused "who," "Niklaus Mikaelson," she said getting in my face. If I had the strength, I would have tried to bite her. I looked down to see that this girl, Katrina was taking my blood. "Why are you doing this," I asked still weak "well 1, it will kill you and 2, so I can stay beautiful. See once you're out of the way I will have enough vampire blood to keep me young for years, then Klaus with have to choose me," Katrina said.

Katrina went back to the table looking down at something on it "you are crazy you know that" I said with a straight face making her chuckle "well I'm not the one sitting in that chair". I struggled to get out as I was tied my rope witch I would usually be able to brake but she already had a few bags of blood witch made me weak. "So what, you're just going to drain me of my blood, thinking that he'll choose you, he won't, it will always be me".

I said the last part slow. If I'm going to die, then I want to piss this girl off before I do, funny part is that I was never afraid of death, just who was ever causing it. Katrina stopped and looked at me "you know I would have said that you're wrong but now that I look at you're condition that you're in he really won't" Katrina said. I looked at her confused "what condition" she smiled and rolled her eyes "you don't know do you"?

I looked at her, my silence answering her "you're mated, to Klaus" I still looked at her confused. She sighed annoyed and pulled up a chair sitting in it backwards "Klaus is half werewolf witch means that every werewolf has a mate. Your his, which also is the reason for this" she waved her arm at me. "For what" I asked still a little confused on the whole mate thing since I'm not human nor a werewolf.

Katrina sighed annoyed yet again "wow, I thought vampires were supposed to be smarter, then again this usually doesn't happen to vampires,". I looked at as she told me something I never would have expected. "You're pregnant"!

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