Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


I watched as Tyler quickly ran off, having a few bruises here and there. I whipped the blood off my face and started to walk back home. I opened the door and walked inside to be greeted by Rebekah "where's Alicia" I asked Rebekah looking around. "What are you talking about, I thought she was with you" Rebekah said confused. I stopped and looked at her "Alicia's not here" I asked? "No, she never came back" Elijah walked into the room "is everything okay" Elijah asked me?

"Alicia's missing" I said to him and we quickly left and searched the town for Alicia. Rebekah called Marcel, but he never saw her and told us he'd check at the bar. Rebekah started to walk down the street and stopped "Nik" she called to me. I quickly ran over to her and saw Alicia laying on the ground next to a car with dried blood on the ground next to her head.

I ran over to her as Rebekah knelled next to her and I lifted her up "Alicia, Alicia" I said shaking her a little. She didn't wake up "we have to get her back, people are going to start walking out their houses and seeing a girl just laying here" Rebekah said to me. "Call Elijah" I said to Rebekah while I picked Alicia up and quickly ran back to the house. I laid Alicia down on her bed and sat on the side of her bed. I pushed a peace of hair out of her face and watched her.

I knew she was alive, but I didn't know why she wasn't wake up? Elijah walked in the room "she still hasn't woken" Elijah asked? "No" I said still looking at Alicia as she laid there, looking lifeless. "Did you give her some blood" I nodded "twice, it did nothing" I said trying to control my anger that was building up inside of me. All of a sudden Alicia's eyes flew open, and she quickly jumped out of the bed and to the corner of the room, showing her fangs and hissing at us.

I stood up as she looked at us, hissing still as her veins appeared around her eyes. "Alicia, it's okay" Elijah said putting his hands out to calm her down. She just seemed to back away more if it was possible. "Let me try" I said and steppe din front of Elijah "Alicia it's me, it's Niklaus" I said to her and she slowly started to close her mouth as her veins started to disappear. "Niklaus" she said in her accent that she had when we were kids. She ran up to me, hugging me tightly.

"I thought you were gone" Alicia said in her accent that she lost years ago while still hugging me. I looked at Elijah who looked at me confused as I hugged her back and sat her on the bed. "Alicia, what do you remember" Elijah asked her and she looked at him confused "who are you"? "It's me, Elijah" Elijah said and her eyes lit up as she hugged him as well. "I thought you all had left, is Rebekah here as well" she asked looking around.

"Yes, she is downstairs but we need to talk first" I said to her, putting my hand on her shoulder, making her sit back down on the bed. "Niklaus, you got your haircut, I like it" Alicia said making me and Elijah look at each other. "Alicia what is the last memory you have" Elijah asked her? "Well, a few months ago I was turned into a vampire and just learned control" Alicia said like it was nothing. "Please give us one second" Elijah said and grabbed my arm pulling me downstairs.

I looked back up the stairs as Elijah spoke "the last thing she remembers is her turning into a vampire and learning control. Do you know how long ago that was Niklaus," Elijah said to me and I looked at the ground before looking at him. "She doesn't remember," I said a little in shock. "She doesn't remember much, the last 100's of years are all ripped away from her," Elijah said to me. I realized something "she doesn't remember that she's pregnant," I said making Elijah look at me, realizing it as well.

"We have to tell her" Elijah said to me "let me talk with her, after all she did like me best" I said with a smirk and walked up the stairs. I opened the door a little and walked inside the room to see Alicia staring out the window. "Where are we Niklaus, it is so beautiful" Alicia asked still looking out the window. "New Orleans, where the living are easily lost and the dead stick around the play" I said with my hands behind my back and smile as I walked up to Alicia.

Alicia looked at me smiled, trying to hold in a laugh but failed witch made me laugh as well. "Why are you and Elijah acting so strange" Alicia asked me still smiling "well, to make a long story short, you hit your head and you don't remember some things" I said waiting for her expression. She looked at me confused as her smile disappeared "like what"? "Well" I said sitting on her bed making her lean on the wall and look at me, listening.

"We thought you were dead, then a few months ago you shows up here in New Orleans," I said. Alicia nodded, saying to continue "you tried to stop being a vampire because a witch cursed you so you became a vampire hunter,". "What was I cursed with," Alicia asked "you can't have human blood, straight from the vein,". I looked at my hands that sat in front of me "you are hiding something else," Alicia said to me.

I smiled and looked at her "you always could read right threw me" Alicia smiled at me knowing that I was right. "Tell me Niklaus" Alicia said sitting next to me and looking at me, I had to just say it, no matter what. "You're pregnant" I said to her making her eyes go huge. "But, but that's imposable" Alicia said "I know, but somehow it wasn't" I said to her making her look down at her hands.

"Is it yours" Alicia asked, and I nodded making her go silent again. "Why can't I remember any of this" Alicia asked me looking back up at me again. "Well, you were being chased, and you fell, hitting your head" I said to her. "But I am a vampire, I heal" Alicia asked confused and trying to process everything. "I know" I said and tilted her head up "I want to try something, but you have to trust me" I said to her and she nodded "always Niklaus".

I smiled and compelled her "you will remember everything that you remembered before you hit your head". Alicia blinked a few times and looked around the room before looking back at me. "Did it work" I asked her?

Please read

I'm so sorry to do this to you guys but I'm running out of ideas and need some more. It would really help if i could get some so i can update. I am open to anything! Thanks, hope you guys enjoy the book.

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