Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


I woke up the next morning to see that Klaus was gone, probable out doing who knows what. I stood up, looking in the mirror seeing that my stomach still hasn't grown, which made me happy. I took a nice long shower, got dressed and put my hair up in a high pony tail. I hear someone scream downstairs and quickly vamp-run down the stairs and into one of the extra rooms to see a man chained up and covered in blood. "Klaus" I said, making him turn around, showing the blood all over his face, shirt, and hands.

"What the hell are you doing," I asked a little mad. "I heard that this man was their last night at Connie's, I believe he was the one who took Connie," Klaus said, pointing to the man chained up. I looked at the man "who are you," I asked "I'm not telling you anything vampire," the man said. I vamp-ran up to him, grabbing his throat "you know, I have very bad anger issues so if I were you I would tell me what I need to know or what Klaus did to you you will seem like child's play," I said with a small smile.

The man looked at me "Gavin" was all he said "thanks" I said and patted his cheek before turning around and facing Klaus. I see him smiling "what" I asked nothing, I missed this side of you" "well, who knows, you might see more of it" I said and walked past him. "Oh and Klaus" I said, stopping in the doorway and looking at him, making him look at me. "Clean up this mess when you're finished" I said making Klaus chuckle a little before I left.

I decided to head into town and just get some air. After a few minuets of walking around, I found and older looking shop and walked inside to see a girl with darker skin sitting in a chair behind a desk. "Hello" she said "hello" I said and looked around "looking for anything special" "no, just looking around" I said. "Would you like me to read you, see your future" the women asked me? I turned and looked at her "you may give it a try" I said and she pulled up a chair on the other side of the desk.

I sat down in the chair and held out my hands, making her grab them lightly. The lady closed her eyes "you have a very interesting past. You're with child," the girl said, and I nodded with a smile "a girl," she asked me and I nodded "yes," I said "the father, he seems happy that you are carrying his child. But you are worried," my smile slowly faded "you're worried that he won't be a good father, that his actions that you've seen lately will be the reason you run," the witch said.

I was silent "you are a runner, you run from everything, from your fears desires" the witch said. "I see someone, he's tall, he's strong, very strong" she said, confusing written on her face. "I see a name, it's a little blurry but I can make out some letters, looks like an M, I, K, maybe a A or O, E, L" she said and I went over the letters in my head until it made a word "Mikael" I whispered and the witch jumped a little and gasped for air before quickly opening her eyes and pulling away.

"What is it, what did you see" I asked, a little worried. She shook her head "nothing, nothing, I'm sorry but I have to ask you to leave" the witch said. "What" I asked confused as she pushed me out of the store and slammed the door shut behind me, locking it. I sighed "great" I said to myself before looking around and quickly heading back to the house. I was about halfway home when Marcel jumped in front of me, making me stop and jump a little.

"Marcel," I said with a sigh of relief that it was only him "well, who else were you expecting," Marcel asked with a smile. "No one," I said "so what are you doing wondering around the streets," "nothing, just came to get some air that's all," I said and started to walk past him. "Well, you know, I've been thinking and you can't really raise a baby in that house of yours," "so, what, you have a better place," I asked, continuing to walk as Marcel fallowed.

"Actually yes I do Marcel said and stood in front of me, stopping me "I was thinking of a trade, you take the French Quarter and I'll take the mansion" Marcel said. "You wouldn't trade the French Quarter for just some mansion" I said. "I would, after all your family is a lot bigger than mine and I know you need the space". "Since when did you become so nice" I asked? "Since I realized that Klaus won't be trying to take over my town since he has you and the new pregnancy to worry about" Marcel said with a smile.

I sighed "did you talk to Klaus, after all he should be the one to be talking to. He is king of the house," "and you are his queen witch also means that you can also make decisions," Marcel said. I looked at Marcel "listen if it were my decision to make and only mine I'd take it, but it's not so talk to Klaus," I said and vamp-ran off, disappearing from Marcel's sight.

I walked into the house and looked around, seeing Klaus down the stairs with the blood that was all over him early gone and a new shirt on him. "Did you get anything out of him," I asked Klaus. "Well, he admits he was the one who was out at Connie's," "did he say where she's at," I asked? "No, but he did say that a witch was the one who sent him out to Connie's," "did he say why he was out there," I asked?

"Yes, he said he was there for you and me," Klaus said like it was nothing. "And that doesn't worry you," I asked "right now, no, because he revealed the location of where the witch is hiding. Right now, I need to have a little talk with Marcel," Klaus said and headed for the door. "Wait, what does Marcel have to do with this," I asked confused and turned to face Klaus. "Because, he knew where this witch was hiding all this time," Klaus said and kissed my forehead.

"Be back soon love" Klaus whispered and walked out of the house in a rush. I sighed "I can't just have one normal day" I said to myself before walking up the stairs and into my room. I took a nice long shower before getting out and putting my PJ's on, looking in the mirror. I looked down at my stomach, picturing it getting bigger, when I looked back up at me I saw Esther behind me and quickly turned around to see she wasn't there. I looked back at the mirror and saw only my reflection.

I sighed "you're losing it Alicia" I said running my hand threw my hair. I laid in bed and looked up at the ceiling before closing my eyes.


Klaus and I are laying in the woods, looking up at the stars "Niklaus" I say "yes" "promise we will be friends" I say. "Yes" I sat up "pinky promise" I said and held out my pinky "always" Klaus said hooking his pinky with mine "and forever" I said with a smile.

End of Flashback

I'm so sorry that it's taking me forever to update this book. I've been so busy with all my other books but I finished one of them and are all caught up in my Original book so I've been able to wright in this one. SOrry again.

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