Chapter 34

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Only 2 more chapter left of this book then I'm done. I decided I will not make a sequel :( Sorry, I just don't have enough ideas for it, BUT I will be making another Klasu love story soon. If you want me to let you know when I post it please let me know. You will hate me for the end of this book. Thanks, PLEASE COMMENT!


Elijah sat on the couch, telling us what Mikael had down to him while Klaus stood in front of the fire place, Rebekah sat in a chair nearby and I stood in the doorway, holding Jasmine. "So what do we do" I asked, looking at Klaus as he thought for a second. "We do what I said, you and Jasmine will leave town and go to the Salvatore's" Klaus started "what, no Klaus" I said. "Alicia don't fight me on this please, I can't lose you nor Jasmine. If Mikael is paining something, then he would have followed Elijah here to know our location. The sooner you leave, the better" Klaus said.

I couldn't believe what he was saying, he was telling me to leave. I understand why but there was no way that I was leaving. "If Mikael knows we're hear then it's not safe for anyone" Rebekah said. "Then we head back" Klaus said "back to New Orleans" Elijah asked confused since just a few months ago we left there. "Yes, at least there we have more strength" Klaus said.

"Klaus we're not leaving" I said, going back to the subject of me leaving. "Don't argue with me, what if something happens to you, or Jasmine, you may not care about your life but I know you care about Jasmine's" Klaus said, yelling a little, making Jasmine, move in her sleep. I looked Klaus straight in the eyes as he stood in front of me. "I'm not going anywhere" I said, making Klaus look at me mad "but Jasmine is" I said and walked past Klaus and over to Rebekah.

"You will go with Jasmine until all of this is over with" I told Rebekah, handing Jasmine to her. "Alicia" Klaus started, sounding mad "no Klaus" I said turning to him and yelling now. "I do care about my life, but I care about you and Jasmine's a lot more. Mikael is expecting you to send me away with Jasmine. Instead Rebekah will go to the Salvatore's and take care of Jasmine there until all of this is over" I said.

Everyone was silent "you can argue with me all you want Niklaus, but right now we do this my way or I'll go up to Mikael myself, by myself and kill him. Understood" I said, walking up to Klaus mad. Klaus was silent "now, if anyone wants to add anything to this plain" I said, looking at Rebekah and Elijah before looking back at Klaus "that doesn't involve me leaving you, I'm all ears" I said.

I walked over and stood in the doorway again. Klaus looked at the ground, clearing angry with me and upset. "Klaus" Elijah said, making him look at Elijah "Alicia is right". Klaus sighed "fine, then go, see what happens" he said mad and walked out of the room. I looked at Rebekah "come on, I'll help you pack a few things for Jasmine" I said, feeling a little bad. Rebekah followed me into Jasmine's room and she started to pack things while I held onto Jasmine.

"You know I don't understand why you can't just leave with Jasmine, it is the safest way" Rebekah said, stopping packing. "I can't just leave Klaus to defend himself" I said, walking back and forth. "He won't be, but if you are here, then he's going to worry more about you, he won't be able to constraint" Rebekah said. "I can't leave him" I said "why" Rebekah asked "because I can't" I said getting upset. "Why" Rebekah asked again, making me stop "because I can't lose him" I said.

"I can't lose Klaus" I said and looked at Jasmine "then go and he'll be safer" Rebekah said, standing up and leaving the room. I looked down at Jasmine and sighed "your dad is very stubborn" I told Jasmine. "But I case so am I" I whispered the last part and walked down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was. "Okay" I said, making everyone look at me.

"Jasmine and I will leave for Mystic Falls tonight" I told everyone as they stared at me in silence. I turned around and went back upstairs to pack a few things. I laid Jasmine down in her crib and started to pack my small bag that held a few of Jasmine's things as well. I heard Klaus walk in, looking at me packing "well, looks like you get what you wanted, just like always" I said, not sounding happy at all. "Alicia" Klaus started "no" I said and turned to look at him.

"I told you I wasn't leaving you, I've stuck by you, telling myself and everyone else that you aren't the monster that everyone thinks you are, but now I see that I was wrong. You get what you want and that's it. Everything else is just a waste of space and you try to get rid of it" I said as my eyes started to water. I hit Klaus's chest before leaning in and kissing him, surprising him before hugging him.

"Please make it back to me" I said, holding back the tears "I will, I promise" Klaus said, and I nodded before pulling away and finishing packing. I set my bags in the backseat of the car as Klaus held onto Jasmine and Elijah and Rebekah stood next to him outside. I turned and walked up to Klaus. "You know, you could hold onto her for a few more hours, just enough time for me to go and kill Mikael" I said with a small smile. Klaus smiled as well and kissed Jasmine's head before handing her over to me.

I took Jasmine and put her in her car seat. I closed the door and looked at Klaus before walking up to him and giving him a kiss goodbye. I said goodbye to Rebekah and Elijah before getting in the car and driving off. We drove for a little while as night was starting to approach. I sighed and continued to look foreword until someone stepped out in front of my car, making me gasp and quickly turn the car, flipping it a few times.

The flipped, stopping upside down and I blacked out for a few minutes before waking back up. I looked around and heard Jasmine crying, likely she was still lived in her car seat so she was safe. I tore off the seat belt and crawled over to Jasmine, looking behind me to see the guy walking towards the car. I grabbed Jasmine and quickly ran threw the woods, holding Jasmine close to me. I stopped when I saw I saw Mikael standing in front of us.

I turned around to see two more vampires. I turned back to Mikael "please, you don't have to do this" I begged and Mikael just smiled at me. The two vampires grabbed onto me tightly as I kicked and screamed, trying to get out of their grip which was tough since I was still holding Jasmine. The two vampires ran off with Jasmine and I as Mikael followed, going to where I hope Klaus wasn't.

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