Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


My eyes flew open, and I sat up quickly, looking around the room. It was a brown, wooded room that had some old pieces of furniture in it. A desk, three doors, one I was guessing was the bathroom, and the other was the closet and a king-size bed. I rubbed my neck as it still hurt a bit. The door opened, revealing Klaus with a bag in his hands "what's that" I asked pointing to the bag as he walked in.

"Good, you're up" Klaus said with a smile and sat the bag down on the bench that was at the end of the bed. "Is that my bag" I asked "just a few things I thought you may need" Klaus said with a smirk. "Klaus" I yelled and ran up to him, trying to hit him but he grabbed my arms and threw me back on the bed, making me bounce.

"You broke my neck" I yelled at Klaus "I had to, to get you to stay here" Klaus yelled back at me. I sat there, mad but knew there was no point in fighting Klaus since he was much stronger. I sat there and stared at Klaus "what do you want from me" I asked mad "I want the truth, and I want to know what you saw" Klaus said to me mad as well.

"No" I said leaning foreword making Klaus grab my neck and pin me to the wall, he was going to compel me. I quickly slapped him across the face, hard making him stop and look at me. I looked at him, trying to catch my breath as Klaus let go of my throat and took a step back. I looked at Klaus mad "you really have changed" I said and walk past him, going to my bag to unpack.

Klaus sighed and walked over to me as I unpacked "why can't you just tell me" Klaus asked almost a whisper. I looked at Klaus "because you can't show me I can trust you" I said and went back to unpacking. "How do you want me to show you then" Klaus asked me as I hung my clothes up and I leaned on the wall next to my closet. "Show me that the Klaus that I knew when we were kids is still there" I said crossing my arms.

Klaus was silent before fast walking out I sighed and finished unpacking. I opened my curtains and looked out my huge window at the streets of New Orleans. "New Orleans, New Start, New Life" I whispered to myself with a sigh. I walked out of my room and headed downstairs to find Elijah sorting threw a few books. "Where's everyone" I asked Elijah as he looked at some books.

"Rebekah is out with Marcel checking with some vampires to see if we can figure out if there are witches trying to mess with you. It would really help if we knew what you saw," Elijah said and looked up at me as I sat on top of a table. "I can see Klaus talked to you," I said and looked at a few books that sat on the desk.

"Klaus is upstairs painting" I looked at Elijah a bit surprised "he still paints" "yes, when he's upset, worried, things like that" Elijah said and walked over to me, picking up some books that sat next to me. "You know you always where like a brother" I said to Elijah with a smile as he continued to put books onto shelves.

"And you like a sister" Elijah said as I sighed "I just can't tell you guys who I saw" "why" Elijah asked leaning on another table. "Lets just say, my past is coming back to haunt me" I said and slid off the table, going back upstairs. I heard a small noise and followed it to another room, opening the door to see Klaus painting. He had paintings all around the big room.

"You really do paint" I said as Klaus looked at me and I sat on a couch that was across from him. "I never did stop" Klaus said with a small smile as I picked up a painting and looked at it. "I'm more of a pitcher person" I said looking at a sunset painting "you use to love painting" Klaus said to me as he painted. "No, I loved paint wars" I said putting the painting down and walked over to see what Klaus was painting.

"What are you painting" I asked, he must have just started "you'll just have to wait and see" Klaus said putting the paintbrush down and turned around to face me. I smiled "here" Klaus said putting up a blank board and getting a new paint brush, handing it to me. I looked at it then at Klaus "like I said, I'm more of a pitcher person" I said "one try" Klaus said.

I sighed and took the brush and started to paint, Klaus took what he was painting and turned it so I couldn't see it. I tried to think of what to paint and finally thought of something, I was a good painter but I didn't love it like Klaus. I looked over at Klaus who was deep in concentration. I took some of the paint on my brush and threw it at him.

The purple paint landed on Klaus making him look up "told you I liked paint wars" I said with a laugh. I started to paint some more until Klaus threw some paint at me, making it go on my face. "Niklaus" I said with a laugh and we stated throwing paint at each other. It was fun, I felt like we were little kids again until I felt my throat was on fire and stopped, falling to my knees.

Klaus looked at me as I quickly ran to my room and tore through my bag, trying to find something, nothing. I felt like I couldn't do much as Klaus ran in "Alicia what's wrong" Klaus asked as I felt like I could smell the blood from everyone, everywhere. I turned to Klaus making my eyes turn and my fangs come out as I ran up to Klaus, pushing past him and towards my apartment.

I quickly ran into my apartment and tore open the refrigerator, grabbing the few blood bags I had left and drinking them, fast. I slide down the counter as I caught my breath, blood spread on my mouth and some of my shirt. I looked at the ground then up to see Klaus standing in the doorway, looking at me.

I was silent, one of my secrets were about to come out, and I knew Kol was right. Klaus will want to change me once he finds out.

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