Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I was slammed against the wall hard with Klaus holding my throat making Rebekah run over to us "Nik, let her go" "why, she killed our brother" Klaus said threw clinched teeth. "Klaus, I'm sorry" I said as he just held my throat tighter "let her go" Rebekah said making Klaus look at her mad. "How are you okay with this" Klaus asked still mad "I'm not, but she had a reason" Rebekah said to Klaus.

Klaus looked at me as I felt him loosen his tight "so what you did this for revenge" Elijah asked as Klaus let go off me. I looked at Elijah "yes" I said surprising them even though I knew the answer already. "Looks like I've changed from the little Alicia that you once knew" I said a bit mad. Klaus looked at me mad and quickly snapped my neck, making me black out.


Rebekah and I watched as Klaus broke Alicia's neck and watched her fall to the ground with Klaus staring at her for a few seconds before turning to us. It was silent as Klaus looked at us, not knowing what to say for once and ran off, vanishing out the door. I sighed as Rebekah looked at me for something to say but nothing came out. I walked over to Alicia and picked her up, carrying her up the stairs to her room and onto her bed.

I walked back down the stairs with Rebekah sitting on the couch with a drink in her hand. I took a deep breath before sitting across from her "what do we do" I asked "bloody hell if I know" Rebekah said confused. "Do you think she was telling the truth" I couldn't help but ask "why, you don't? Why would she lie to us about something like that" Rebekah asked waving her drink around?

I didn't know what to say "so what do we do," I asked Rebekah again hoping for an answer. Nothing. "We can't kill her," I said making Rebekah look at me "I agree, even if I don't want to I still agree,". "Klaus won't kill her ether, he cares about her too much whether he wants to admit it or not," I said standing up and pacing. "Do you remember how crushed he was when he watched Alicia die. He didn't want to do anything, he killed Kol more times than any of us until he finally ran off," I said.

Rebekah was silent as she listened to me "our whole family was destroyed when Alicia died. Then she comes back into our lives and I start to think that Klaus is starting to care once again and that we are starting to become a family again, now this happens and I know Klaus won't take this lightly and our family will be destroyed once again," I said starting to raise my voice.

I sighed as I shook my head not knowing what to do "what if, we talked Klaus into forgetting about this and we start to become a family again," Rebekah said. "He won't Rebekah," I yelled at her "it's Klaus, he won't forget anything," I yelled making Rebekah stand up mad. "I know, but he's done it with us before, and with Alicia he will do it over and over again just to have her back," Rebekah yelled.

I looked at Rebekah like an idea came to my head "you're right, no matter what, Klaus won't kill her because he cares about her. He will forget everything she has ever done and he'll choose her over anything. Even himself," I said looked at Rebekah "what is you're idea," Rebekah asked. "Go get Klaus, talk to him then snap his neck," I said to Rebekah "what, why," "just trust me," I yelled to her as I ran up to the stairs.

I grabbed Alicia and called Rebekah "so what is your plain my brother" Rebekah asked as I heard her struggling. She must be trying to hold Klaus. "Do you remember the old cabin that is in the woods" I asked her "of course, why"? "Take Klaus there, I will explain later" I said. I carried Alicia to the cabin and met Rebekah there as well. We laid them on the cabin floor and left, going to the cemetery to talk to Sophie.

"So you want me to do a spell to lock Alicia and Klaus in the cabin so they can what, talk things out," Sophie asked making sure she heard correctly. "Yes, this will be the only way for them to talk, 24 hours, nightfall tomorrow this is all we ask," I said to Sophie, She sighed and shook her head "okay," she said and Rebekah and I left Sophie while she started the spell.

Rebekah and I walked into the house "do you think it will work" Rebekah asked me, crossing her arms while I headed upstairs. I stopped on the stairs and turned to look at her "I have to" I said and headed upstairs.


I opened my eyes, rubbing my neck as I sat up. I looked around and saw I was in an old cabin. There was dust everywhere with furniture in it but most of it was damaged. I laid on the living room floor and stood up, looking around trying to figure out how I got here. I looked over and saw Klaus laying in the hallway floor uncontentious. I walked around and walked into the kitchen looking around.

I walked to the front door and opened it, trying to walk threw but couldn't. It's like an invisible wall was up. I sighed in frustration and closed the door, walking back into the kitchen. All of a sudden someone grabbed me by the throat and pinned me to the wall. I look into Klaus's eyes as he looked furious into mine. "What did you do" Klaus yelled at me "I don't know, you broke my neck remember" I yelled at Klaus making him let go.

Klaus looked around and opened the front door about to walk threw but couldn't "you can't get threw, I've already tried" I said crossing my arms. Klaus looked at me mad and walked into the living room and polled out his phone. Klaus dialed Elijah's number and waited for him to pick up. "There's blood in the fridge, talk things out" I heard Elijah say and hung up.

"Elijah" Klaus started but Elijah hung up on him. Klaus sighed and hung up his phone, turning around to look at me. "We're stuck here aren't we" I asked, crossing my arms and Klaus nodded. I'm going to die here.

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