Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I walked down the street as a few people past by me. I walked into the bar and sat down "bourbon" I ordered and a guy left to get my drink, coming back soon after with it. "I didn't think pregnant people should drink" Marcel said sitting next to me "and I didn't think vampires could be so annoying, looks like we were both wrong" I said taking a sip of the drink.

"Hey, I just got here," Marcel said "not you, Elijah," I said and Marcel looked at me confused. "He thinks that Klaus will change his ways because of this child, but I think you and I both know Klaus, he won't," I said. "Klaus can surprise you, I mean, no one ever thought the big bad Klaus could love anyone, but that is clearly wrong," Marcel said nodding to me. I smiled "not all the time," I said getting out of the chair "goodbye Marcel," I said and walked out of the bar.

There had to be something to do around here, anything. At this point I don't know how people can live in this town when theirs nothing to do except party. I use to love partying, in fact I still do but it's hard to when you have Klaus's guys watching over you closely and they don't think that you know when in fact I've known since I left the house. I stopped on the side walk and smiled to myself before running up to the two guys that were hiding in the alley and pinning them to the wall.

The two guys looked at me surprised "you would think after all these years Klaus would trust me," I said mostly to myself. I looked up at the two guys "go back to Klaus and tell him to leave me alone, I can take care of myself," I said. "Sorry to say but we're more scared of Klaus then we are of you," one guy with short black hair said while the other with short blond hair nodded. I smiled "I don't blame you, but you should no something," I said throwing them both to the other wall.

They fell to the ground and looked up at me "I'm worst then Niklaus" I said mad and they quickly ran off. I smiled and put my hand on my hips "that's why I always liked you" I quickly turned around to see Klaus leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. "You were never afraid to show how you truly felt" he finished "unless it was for you" I said and started to walk past him. "Why are you mad at me" Klaus asked me as he walked next to me.

I laughed "I'm not mad at you Niklaus," I said stopping and turning to look at him before sighing. "I'm confused," I started to walk again "why," Klaus asked "why," I said and stopped, looking at him. "Because I came to this town looking for the Niklaus Mikaelson that I knew when I was a kid. Then I come here and I find him, but it's not him, it's someone completely different, someone who doesn't care anymore," I said as Klaus listened.

"I'm confused because I made myself think that I would be okay, being here, seeing you again. Now look at me, I'm pregnant and you don't trust me," I said as Klaus looked at the ground looking almost upset. I knew he was only showing his emotions because no one else was around to see. Klaus looked back up at me "I'm leaving Klaus, I can't keep doing this, I can't keep telling myself that you're still you, because you're not,"!

I turned around and took a deep breath before disappearing. I walked through the woods as I just wanted to walk for now. I kicked a few branches until I heard someone fallowing me and stopped. "Klaus, stop fallowing me" I said and turned around to see a guy with short black hair. "I'm looking for Klaus Mikaelson, and I'm told that you know were he is" the guy said. "Who are you" I asked confused "Tyler Lockwood" the guy said.

I recognized that name, I crossed my arms "you're from Mystic Falls, aren't you," I asked Tyler. "Yes, but you know my name and I don't know yours," Tyler said "Alicia, why are you looking for Klaus," I asked? "Lets just say I'm an old friend who wants to chat," Tyler said but I could read right threw him, he was lying. "Well, I'm sorry to say but I don't know where Klaus is, have fun," I said and quickly ran off. I stopped when I was a few miles away and pulled out my phone.

I called Klaus "already ready to come home," Klaus said, I could tell he was smirking. "Klaus there's a guy named Tyler Lockwood who's looking for you," I said to Klaus "did you talk to him,"? "Yes Klaus, we talk for hours and then we went out to eat," I said in a sarcastic voice. "Where are you," Klaus asked ignoring me "in the woods, who is this guy," I asked? "One of my hybrids that I made awhile back, Alicia you have to get out of there," Klaus said.

Before I could say anything I was pinned to a tree, making me drop my phone. I looked to see Tyler "I thought you said you didn't know where Klaus was" Tyler said sounding like he was trying to control his anger. I smirked "so I lied" I quickly pinned him to the tree with one hand. "I do that a lot" I said with a smile before throwing him across the woods.

Tyler quickly stood up showing his teeth and his eyes turned to a gold, I forgot he was also part wolf which means he has a bad attitude. "Great" I said mostly to myself before quickly running off witch Tyler close on my tale. Luckily I was still an original so that meant I was fast but him being a hybrid he could keep up. I had to think of something and fast. I remembered that I had a small gun in my pocket that I always kept when I would go hunting.

I stopped and quickly got the gun out, shooting at Tyler as he ran towards me, it slowed him down but only a little. I quickly dropped the gun and started to run again but just my luck I started to get dizzy and stopped all of a sudden, making myself fall to my knees. I looked up to see Tyler standing right in front of me. "Now, where is Klaus" Tyler asked mad as I could sense Klaus nearby.

I was right, Klaus ran over and grabbed Tyler's neck, pinning him to a tree "I'm right here" Klaus said with a smile before showing his fangs. Tyler growled at him and they started to fight. I staid there, watching as Tyler had Klaus pinned to a tree "I told you I'd make you pay" Tyler said and glanced at me for a second before looking back at Klaus. "And I will" "Alicia run" Klaus said as Tyler looked at me and I quickly ran, heading back to the fast I could.

Tyler was chasing after me and Klaus was chasing after him. I looked back a few times and finally noticed that they weren't fallowing me anymore. I still felt light-headed and wanted to pass out but I had to get back home. I ran as fast as I could to get back home witch caused everything to get blurry. I ran down the empty street and towards the house witch was a few houses away.

I had to stop as I put my hand on a car nearby as I tried to get rid of the dizziness but it was hard to do. I stood up but before I could I blacked out, passing out and falling to the cement ground, hitting my head and making it bleed. The scent of blood filled my noise but I could open my eyes or move. Where is Klaus?

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