Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Longer chapter. You get to see how Klaus and Alicia first met!


I walked outside, not sure if I believed any of this "Niklaus, what is wrong," Elijah asked walking outside. "She's supposed to be dead, do you believe her story," "we have too, she's standing right here in front of us Niklaus," Elijah said. I was silent "you wish she wasn't here because you know you will care if she is here. Klaus you and Alicia were best friends, you even carried about her," Elijah said.

I turned to him "I don't care about anyone" I said to him "you once did" Elijah said and I looked at him, silent. I walked back inside to see Alicia standing in the doorway, listening to us. "Well, I better get going" Alicia said, holding in her anger probable as she walked outside. I sighed and pushed Elijah to the side as I followed Alicia "I can tell when I'm not wanted Niklaus, you don't have to fallow me around anymore" Alicia said.

We walked down the streets of New Orleans "Alicia wait," I said making her stop and turn around to face me. "You've changed, you want to be someone different and you are, well so have I," I said to her. "I can tell, the famous Klaus, the killer, the guy who has no soul or heart, I personally like the old Klaus better," Alicia said with her arms crossed then started to walk away.

"Well what did you expect when you came to this town, that I would be the same Klaus that you knew when we were kids," I said to her mad. "I didn't even know you were here," Alicia yelled at me "I thought you'd be in Mystic Falls still. I came here for a new life, not for peace's of my old," Alicia said mad and walked away. I ran off, back to the house. 


I walked into my apartment should I leave town, forget Klaus and everyone again, no, I wasn't going to run. I told myself I wasn't going to run anymore, not from Klaus, not from vampires, not from witch's, not even from myself. I walked towards my room just as my phone rang; I didn't recognize the phone, but I answered it, anyway.

"Hello," I asked into the phone "well, I didn't think you'd answer," I heard Elijah's voice "how did you get my phone number," I asked a bit mad. "Simple, got your phone and checked you're number," Elijah said, I could tell he was smiling. "Anyway, besides my brothers actions Rebekah and I would love to have you come and stay with us," Elijah said. "Oh, really and how does Klaus feel about this," I asked putting my other hand on my hip.

"What Niklaus doesn't know won't kill him" Elijah said "you are right, but it will kill us" I said. "Do not worry, come join us for dinner then" Elijah said and I thought for a second what kind of dinner, with real food or human blood. I haven't had human blood in a while; I know I can control myself but I just don't want to I sighed "and will this be with real food or Klaus's version of dinner" I asked.

"Real food" Elijah said as I sighed "fine, I'll be right over" I said and hung up. I looked at the ground and then walked out to my balcony, watching night come. I washed up and put my hair up in a messy bun, getting dressed in some jeans, and a blue shirt, carrying my jacket as I walked out and headed to the Mikaelson's houses.

I knocked on the door and Rebekah answered "yay, you are here" Rebekah said as I walked in. "I was hoping Elijah would talk you into coming" Rebekah said as Elijah walked in "well I'm here, so where is this food" I asked. Elijah smiled and nodded his head, laughing "I see you haven't changed". I followed them into a huge open space where in the middle was a huge table.

"Wow, you guys always did like big" I said spinning a bit as I looked around "well my, my, my who is this" I turned to see another man. "Marcel this is Alicia a very old friend of ours, Alicia this is Marcel another old friend" Elijah said as Marcel took my hand and kissed it. "Well, what a gentleman" I said making Marcel smile, and we sat down "now if we could just find -" Elijah started as Klaus walked down the stairs. "What is this" Klaus asked.

Marcel sat in front of me, Rebekah sat next to me, Elijah sat in front of Rebekah, and at the end of the table was a spot for Klaus. Marcel and I were the closest to Klaus. I turned and looked at the table "no one said anything" I asked. "Klaus, come, sit, eat" Elijah said standing up as Klaus joined us and sat down. "Well, real food" Klaus said a bit surprised.

"What were you expecting" I asked Klaus "well I just expecting since we were all vampires we would have a real meal" Klaus said with a smile. I looked at Klaus a bit mad "well then, maybe you should just walk outside then and find your next victim" I said. When you are friends with Klaus, you had to know when to stand your ground, even if that meant you may lose your life.

Klaus looked at me mad "well, I can see this family meal is not going so well" Elijah said then smiled. I turned to Elijah "family meal, I'm not part of this family and from what I remember nether is Marcel unless you adopted a son in the future" I said pointing to Marcel and stood up. "Alicia, please, sits" Elijah asked as I sighed and sat down. I did have a temper, that's why I was friends with Klaus.

"Now, let's eat" Elijah said "so Alicia how old are you" Marcel asked "20" I said "in vampire years" Marcel asked confused. "Oh, well I guess as old as Klaus, subtract a few days" I said looking at Klaus who stared at me mad. "Wait are you -" "an Original, no, half though" I said and put some food in my mouth. "So what's the story here" Marcel asked pointing his fork at Klaus and I.

I smiled remembering when Klaus and I first met.


I watched as a two, young boys stood in the woods; one aimed his arrow at a small deer and shot it right in the stomach. One boy had blond hair while the other had more of a black, they must be brothers; I've seen them around the village. I stepped on a branch making the two boys look at me "who are you" Klaus asked as I stepped out.

"Alicia" I said as both boys looked at me.

"May I have a try" I asked and walked down a small hill to get to them. The blond had the arrow and bow in his hand "I don't think a girl can shoot an arrow" the blond boy said. I smiled "well, we will have to see about that" I said and took the bow and arrow from him. I looked around and found a small rabbit, a harder target now I can prove to these boys I can shoot.

I aimed at the rabbit and released the arrow, hitting the rabbit "wow, cool" the boys said with a huge smile.

I turned and smiled at the boys "you're arrow and bow" I said handing them to the blond boy. I'm Elijah, this is my brother Niklaus" Elijah said to me and I shook their hand. "Come on, let's take this to father" Elijah said and grabbed the small dear.

Niklaus grabbed the small rabbit "you are pretty good, for a girl" Klaus said to me holding up the rabbit and looked at me with a smirk. "And you are pretty good, for a little boy" I said with a smirk. Klaus and I were around the same age.

Klaus smiled and we walked back to the village.

End of Flashback

"I think that story is for another time" I said and we finished our meals. "Come Alicia, I'll show you to your room" Elijah said standing up. "What, I told you I am not staying here" I said to Elijah surprised "oh please Alicia, it gets lonely being the only girl" Rebekah said practically begging.

"Don't you have an apartment you should be getting to" Klaus said standing up mad "Nik" Rebekah said mad. "No, he's right, I should be on my way" I said and stood up hugging Rebekah "fine, promise me you'll come by tomorrow then" Rebekah said and I laughed "okay" I said and left, going back to my apartment.

I walked into my apartment and lay down, falling asleep.


I walked into Alicia's room, as she fell asleep and I stood next to her bed looking down at her. A faint smile came on my lips as I remembered how we met.

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