Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Rebekah and I drove to Connie's house. I was so excited and nervous to find out what the baby is. "You never did say what you wanted the baby to be" Rebekah said braking the silence as she drove. "Yes, I did" I said "an I don't know isn't really an answer" Rebekah said. I sighed "I don't know, I'm kind of hoping its a boy" I said "really" Rebekah asked, shocked by my answer.

"I mean I would love if it was a girl, but I just think a boy would be nice, for Klaus's sake," I said. "Klaus wants a boy," Rebekah asked me "yeah, I mean he sounds like he does," I said. Rebekah pulled up to a small house, close to the woods with no houses around. "Well, if this doesn't have horrible idea written all over it, then I'm not sure what would," Rebekah said pulling into the driveway.

I chuckled "yeah, no kidding". Rebekah and I got out of the car, walking up to the front door just as Connie opened it. "Come on in" Connie said, giving us permission to enter the house. Rebekah stepped inside first with me to fallow behind her. I looked around, seeing what looked to be a normal house. "Fallow me" Connie said as we fallowed her into a medium size room.

There was a silver table in the middle of the room with a monitor next to it. "Just lay on the table and lift up you're shirt" Connie said, and I listened to her. After a few minuets Connie put the gel on my stomach and nodded for me to look up at the small screen. "See that, that is you're child" Connie said, and I smiled, seeing a small person inside of me. "Wow" Rebekah said with a smile, amazed "is it a boy or girl" I asked "it's a girl" Connie said.

I smiled, knowing Klaus would be happy as well. "And he's growing fast" Connie said making me look back at Connie. "What do you mean" "I mean this baby will be out before 8 months" Connie said as I pulled my shirt down. "I say you have about 4 to 5 months at the most" Connie said shutting everything off and looking at me. I nodded "we better get going" Rebekah said as I sat up and slid off the table.

Rebekah and I walked out of the room and opened the door. A gun shot was heard making me jump as Rebekah clutched her shoulder and blood coming out, staining her shirt. I held onto Rebekah, slamming the door shut as another gun shot was heard. I quickly pulled Rebekah behind a wall as Connie ran over. "What did you do" I said mad to Connie.

"I swear, I didn't do this" Connie said "we have to get this bullet out of Rebekah" I said and helped her up, leading her into the room that we were at moments ago. "And this was my favorite shirt" Rebekah said holding her shoulder, making me roll my eyes at her. Connie closed the door behind us as I grabbed some tweezers and took the bullet out slowly. Rebekah started to heal as I heard gunshots again and people walking towards the house.

"We have to get out of here" I said to Connie "there's a window over there that leads towards the woods" Connie said pointing to a window behind us. Rebekah and I quickly headed over towards the window and opened it. Rebekah slipped out with me to fallow. I turned around to see Connie just standing there, not getting out "come on" I said to Connie. "You two go, I'll be fine just get out of here" Connie said to me, I sighed but nodded.

"Thank you" I said to Connie before Rebekah grabbed my arm, pulling me to the woods just as people were breaking into the woods. Rebekah and Iran through the woods at full speed until we reached the house. Rebekah and I walked up the stairs to the front door "wait, Rebekah" I said grabbing her arm and stopping her. "What about Connie" I said "she'll be fine, you heard her, we'll check on her later when everyone is gone" Rebekah said to me.

I nodded as we walked inside to be greeted by Elijah "what happened" Elijah asked us. "We were ambushed at Connie's" Rebekah said as Klaus walked in the room "I told you we should never trust witches" Klaus said mad. "Klaus it wasn't her, she didn't know about this" I said placing my hand on his chest, calming him down a little. Everyone was silent as I pulled my hand down from Klaus's chest.

"Listen I'm hungry, tired, and I just want to lay down" I said walking into the kitchen and grabbing something to drink. I poured the blood into a glass before walking up the stairs and walking into my room. I drank half of the glass before laying against my pillows. Klaus walked in, walking over to me "how are you feeling" Klaus asked me "like I was hit by a bus and slowly healing" I said.

Klaus chuckled a little before walking over to me and laying next to me. I laid my head on his chest as he rapped his arm around me. "I found out what we're having" I said making Klaus nod, telling me to continue. "I found out we're having a girl" I said to Klaus. I didn't even have to look at Klaus to know he was smiling making me smile as well.

"Well, if that's the case, then I guess we better worn our child that Rebekah will spoil her rotten" Klaus said making me chuckle along with him.

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