Chapter 32

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The picture above is the picture of the baby. I want to thank everyone who helped me with baby names. Please let me know what you think.


It's been about a month since we faked our death and things have actually been going well. Rebekah went shopping for everyone, especially the baby. She was upset that we had to leave Elijah, but I kept her mind off Elijah by letting her decorate the nursery which I still wonder if it was the best decision. Klaus has been doing very well and is actually excited about being a father. Me, I'm fat and hate being pregnant, but I'm very excited to be a mom.

Right now Klaus and I are sitting on the couch, trying to figure out baby names while Rebekah is sitting in a chair across from us telling us what names she likes. "No, we are not doing Bella" I said "why not" Klaus asks with a laugh. "Because Bella is a teenage vampire who hooks up with a vampire named Edward and has a kid of her own. I'm sorry but I am not following Twilight" I said putting my hands up, causing Klaus to laugh at me.

"Okay, so right now we have three boy names and no girl names" Rebekah says looking at the list in front of her. "You two do realize that you are having a girl right" Rebekah said to us. "Then what name pops in your head dear sister" Klaus asks, getting a little annoyed by his sister. "Well I for one like two names, Annie" Rebekah says "no" I instantly say. "Why" Rebekah asks "because I don't think we'll be having a little curly hair, red headed orphan" I said.

"You know you keep arguing about every name and that baby is going to end up being nameless" Rebekah said pointing her pen at me. I shrugged "come up with a better name then" I said to her. "Okay, like what" Rebekah asks "how about Jasmine" I said, making Klaus look at me. "You want to name her after a princess" Rebekah asked "well, I mean, in a way she is" I said. "Every king needs a queen" Klaus said with a smile "and every queen needs a princess" I said.

Klaus thought for a second "I do like it" "so do I" Rebekah said. "Okay, looks like we have a baby name" I said and sighed "I'm hungry" I said and Klaus helped me up as I felt like a penguin waddling to the kitchen to get something to eat. I finally got to the fridge and got some blood but dropped the glass on the ground feeling a sharp pain go threw my stomach.

"Alicia" Klaus said, holding onto me "I'm fine, this kid just loves to kick" I said, holding onto Klaus. "Are you sure you're okay" Rebekah asked me worried "yeah, what did you think this baby was coming" I said with a small laugh. Then again, I felt another sharp pain, making me bend over and hiss in pain. Rebekah grabbed onto me as well "I think you're going into labor" Rebekah said to me, holding onto me. "No, it's not time, it's too early" I said scared.

"No, it's coming" Rebekah said to me as another sharp pain went through my stomach again, making me bend over again. "We need to get her upstairs" Rebekah said and Klaus picked me up as I held on tight to him. He quickly jogged up to my room and laid me on the bed.

I'm skipping the whole birthing scene and just going to when she has the baby, sorry

I heard a small baby cry as Rebekah held up a small baby. "It's a girl" Rebekah said with a smile and wrapped her in the small blanket. Rebekah laid her in my arms as I held onto her. "Hi, hi Jasmine" I whispered to her as Klaus looked over my shoulder, smiling at her. Already her eyes were open, and she looked so beautiful. I moved my arm and handed her to a surprised Klaus. He careful took her, holding onto her as she looked up at him.

"Hi" Klaus whispered to her, and I watched as he held onto her. "Here, I'll go get her washed up and dressed" Rebekah held out her arms with a smile. Klaus handed Jasmine over to Rebekah and she left the room. Klaus turned towards me, blinking tears away and sitting next to me, giving me a short kiss "she made it" Klaus said. "Yes, yes she did" I said with a smile and laid my head on hi shoulder, closing my eyes and getting some rest.


Rebekah walked in, making me move a sound to sleep Alicia to the pillow and stood up. I took Jasmine from her and held onto her "she's beautiful" Rebekah said, looking like she was about to cry. "She is, just like her mother" I said "maybe there is a God after all" Rebekah said with a smile. I laughed a little "well, she has a hint of the devil in her eyes. That's all me" I said making Rebekah chuckle "I better finish putting everything away for Jasmine" Rebekah said and left.

I held Jasmine in my arms and sat in a rocking chair nearby "the city that was supposed to be our home would have seen you and everyone I care about dead. But, your uncle Elijah will have it your home, our home one again. And every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down, just as sure as my blood runs in your veins" I said and kissed her forehead and her cheek before smiling down at her, rocking the chair.


I was now, packing my family's things, I knew it would be awhile for them to be back and I didn't want people to suspect anything. Suddenly my phone went off with Klaus's number, making me quickly answer it "Niklaus, what is it" I said worriedly "nothing, for once, I just thought you should know that our daughter made it" Klaus said and I sighed with relief with a smile. "What is her name" I asked "Jasmine Mikaelson" Klaus said "what a beautiful name. Niklaus, you deserve this more than anyone" I said before hanging up as I knew Klaus did the same.

I looked at my phone and smiled before setting it down and leaning on the wall nearby. Suddenly I heard a loud noise downstairs that sounded like someone had swung the door open so hard it came off the hinges. I walked out to the balcony looking over the compound but seeing no one. I walked down the stairs and into the middle of the compound still seeing no one.

I heard something move behind me and turned around, making my body freeze in tearier. "Hello my son" Mikael said with a smirk "father" I said surprised "did you get my note" he asked?

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