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The appetizing aroma of freshly cooked chicken carried itself along each of the six boys' nostrils. Their stomachs growled and rumbled at the scent as they took their seats, merely taking up most of the space of the minuscule restaurant.

Without peeling an eye away from the kitchen where everything was being prepared, the leader of the friend group ordered a reasonable amount of food for the starving kids. It was a norm for Seokjin, to order the rest of them food and clean up after them. He had taken responsibility for his friends, and knew one day they would grow up to become great people.

The six boys were still in college, some barely taking their first round of courses while the others were in their final one's. Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi were all seniors, leaving Jimin,Hoseok, and Taehyung to be freshmen. They've been friends since birth due to their families being close with one another from work. Since then, they stuck together all the way through their elementary school lives when they were neighbors, to now, in college and living near each other's dorms.

"My mouth is drooling from just the smell, do you see this?" Hoseok quietly laughed as he pointed at the strand of saliva dribbling down his chin.

"My belly is talking to me. It says 'feed me Jiminie~'.." Jimin rubbed his stomach and continued to stare down at the empty plate in front of him.

"Calm down, you little starving aliens. The food will be out soon" Seokjin, the leader, laughed at the sight of the other boys groaning in hunger.

"Tae's the only alien here" Yoongi grumbled.

"Yea, and? Do you want me to tell my friends to abduct you?" Taehyung responded in a slightly angry manner due to lack of food.

"What friends? You don't have any. You're lucky to have us as your acquaintances" The older joked, receiving a flick on the head from the 'alien'.

"Yah, don't start fighting or I'll make you all pay for this meal" Seokjin threatened, instantly getting them to end their teasing.

Just as he finished his sentence, their large serving of fried chicken, noodles, and rice was placed at the center of their table. Each of the boys dug into the meal, not caring about the mess they were making as their hands worked their way to the food.

"Are you going to eat that?" Taehyung questioned at the bowl set aside by Jin.

"No, it's for Jungkook" he replied, giving taehyung a smile.

"Jung-who?" Taehyung scrunched his face up at the unfamiliar name. He hadn't heard that name in so long that he had completely forgotten about the person attached to it.

"Jungkook, my little brother, remember?" He reminded and that sent all of the other boys minds running wild, trying to find any information on the name.

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