thirty three

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"Come on tae! We're gonna be late"

"Almost done!"

I sighed and continued to pace around my room impatiently. Taehyung had been "almost done" for about 35 minutes now. The simple movie date I had planned was like a night to the royal ball for Taehyung, him worrying about what to wear or how much cash he should take was all on his mind.

I attempted to reassure him that we would just use my money, considering I was the one who offered the date in the first place. But he insisted on paying for himself. Which I didn't mind too much since it's nice to have some money to spend at another time.

"Tae, I will go watch the movie on my own if you don't hurry up" I warned as my knuckles collided with the bathroom door. It finally swung open, revealing a neatly dressed Taehyung. He heaved out a sigh as he ran a hand through his sleek,caramel brown hair.

"Do I look okay?" He asked while patting down the wrinkles on his shirt.

"Are you going to find someone else at the movies?" I frowned and eyed his outfit. "Someone's gonna think you're cute and they'll take you away from me"

"Then protect me better" he smiled and walked passed me, only to yanked back into my embrace when my arms wrapped around his waist. He gasped but relaxed at the touch of my lips against his. Our tender,pink lips danced with each other's smoothly.

"Change into something more comfortable, it's kinda chilly outside" I told him after we ended the quick kiss.

He smiled and nodded, making his way back to the bag full of his extra clothes. Watching him close, I stood next Taehyung's side and waited for him to change. After he had finished dressing into a simple t-shirt and some torn black jeans, I caught him sneaking into my closet. His hands landed on one of my hoodies, one that I had nothing to match with and didn't fit me. I grinned as it suited him perfectly.

He turned to me and pretended to give himself a hug. "I want to be one of those cringey couples who wear each other's clothes"

"Cute" I pecked his cheek and led him downstairs where my parents were busy filling out paperwork.

"I'm going out" I mouthed to my mother who had peered up from her work to give me a questioning stare. She arched a brow but nodded.

- - -

"Tae, there's this thing Ji-eun invited me to tomorrow-"

"Who's Ji-eun?"

"It's doesn't matter"

"It does because she's inviting my boyfriend somewhere."

I chuckled and intertwined our fingers together, giving his hand a soft squeeze of reassurance.

"She's just a friend" I smiled at him. "Anyway, she's working with my school's student council committee at the animal shelter"

He nodded and sipped on his drink. "And she wants you to go?"

"Mhm, it's for a good cause. We get to help animals find their forever homes"

"We?" He frowned. "Who's we?"

"Well, I thought I'd take you with me" I nudged his arm but he continued to stare at the ground.

"I was planning to go back to my dorm tomorrow.." he mumbled.

"The thing is at 5pm, can't you make it?" I chewed on my lip, hoping he would agree to come. I imagined us sitting in the middle of a play-pen, surrounded by a dozen puppies who yapped and whined for our attention. Taehyung giggling as he picked one up, showing me how cute it was and how it resembled a teddy bear. I imagined us having an adorable couple bonding moment.

"Jungkook," he sighed as he stood straight in front of me with his hands still locked with mine. "I would love to go but..."

Taehyung lowered his head and kicked a pebble around with his shoe. "I think I would get attached to one of them"

"What?" I frowned.

"Puppies are my weakness kookie! I see one, and I immediately want one! You can't take me there, it's like a war zone for me" his bottom lip jutted out into a put cutely.
"I either get one, or I don't"

I couldn't resist from bursting out into a fit of laughter at his cuteness. "Tae, you're so freaking cute"

"Kookie, I'm serious! I can't afford a dog! I wouldn't have a place for it!" He fake cried. "Don't make me suffer kookie!"

"You're going with me" I finalized.

- - -

3rd person P.O.V.

The two boys spent the rest of their day giggling,hugging,kissing, and entirely loving each other. There was nothing that could tear them apart, other than their classes the next morning.

"Goodbye, my love" Taehyung spoke softly to the younger boy in front of him. Outstretching his arms to him, Taehyung wrapped them around the others waist.

"Make sure to eat and get some sleep. Don't stay up late to text me" Jungkook instructed in the crook of his neck.

"Yes sir!" Taehyung pulled away from their hug to salute him at his orders. "Any other orders, sir?"

Jungkook giggled at his actions and nodded. "Stop doing squats, your butt's already big enough"

"I don't do squats kookie. This is all natural" He told him while giving himself a soft smack on the butt.

"All natural? Let me see" Jungkook trailed his hands down his spine to grab onto his ass. The older instantly became flustered as his hands came in contact with his plump cheeks. Jungkook's fingers dug into the skin, squeezing and massaging them.

"A-Ah Jungkook, we're in public." Taehyung warned.

They were both standing in the center of Taehyung's campus, getting carried away with their goodbyes. Although they had spent nearly a week together, neither of them wanted to leave the others side. The two were almost too in love with each other.

"I'm gonna miss this ass" Jungkook sighed as his hands fell back to his sides.

"Jungkook, I'm not leaving forever" Taehyung chuckled and placed his thumb on the boys' chin to hold him in place. He gave him a swift kiss before pressing their foreheads together.

"I know but I really want to hang out with you longer" Jungkook pouted.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around the youngers neck, giving him yet another kiss. "I'll go with you to that shelter tomorrow and then weekend we can go on a cute picnic?"

"Deal" Jungkook grinned, his eyes traveling down to taehyungs' lips. "One more kiss?"

Taehyung smirked and leaned in closer to him, prepared to give him their final goodbye kiss...

"Yah! No PDA! Curfew is in a few minutes Taehyung! And Jungkook-ah, go home" Jin scolded from behind Taehyung, glaring straight at the two.

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