twenty six

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1,628 LikesTaeTae anyone who is bugging or hitting on my man at school, back the heck off

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TaeTae anyone who is bugging or hitting on my man at school, back the heck off. He's MY KOOKIE. 😤


"Kookie," Taehyung mumbled my name into my neck. I smiled and hummed in response while rubbing his back gently.

"Come and live with me in my dorm" he stated sternly. I titled my head to the side and chuckled.

"Live with you?"

"Yea, forever." He wiggled on my lap and buried his face deeper into my chest. "You're always with me anyway.."

"Mhm, but I still have to go to school"

"You can still go. You just get to come to my dorm instead of going home" he planned.

"What about all of my stuff? And food? My parents.."

"Right.." he sighed and traced little shapes on my arm. "Well, maybe not forever. But for a week?"

"A'll tell my mom I'm going with Jin" I nodded. "Like a bring your siblings to college day"

"Yes! Do it!" He slapped my chest playfully. "We'll go out for a date every day of the week"

"Everyday?" I arched a brow and smirked at his excitement. "With what money?"

"Don't quote me" he glared and moved farther up on my lap. I groaned and placed my hands on his hips to keep him still.

"Are you trying to give me a boner?" I grunted.

He giggled mischievously and nodded slowly. "Maybe"

"People can come out here at anytime, do you want them to see your Kookie's dick?" I asked, pointing toward the glass sliding doors that segregated the house and the outside.

"No, this dick belongs to me" he pouted and put a hand on my crotch.

I blushed and moved his hand away, only for him to use his other hand instead. "Tae, not here"

"Then where? Let's go back to that room" he puckered out his lips to me, to which I took as a sign to kiss him. He smiled and pulled on my neck so I wouldn't pull away from the kiss.

"Yah, love birds! The party is over, come help me clean up" Hoseok called from the door with several trash bags in his hands.

I sighed and let Taehyung get off of me and walk over to help Hoseok.

- - -

"Who's place is this anyway?" I asked while picking up empty beer bottles and leftover wrappers.

"Namjoon's dad owns a big company here, so he's paying for him to live in this apartment" Hoseok tsk'ed as he looked around at the almost empty room.

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