twenty five

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Smoke, strong alcohol, and sweat is the stench that overwhelmed the tightly-spaced apartment where the party was being held. Taehyung and I slipped our way through the dancing bodies to get to a more secluded area.

"Welcome to college" Taehyung giggled and jabbed a finger into my side. "Get used to it, you'll be here next year"

"Partying?" I frowned. "Yea maybe"

"But I'll be watching over you. You can't get drunk alright?" Taehyung warned as a tall figure approached us. A long and tan arm wrapped around my neck and shoulder.

"Jungkook! You made it!" Namjoon's speech was slurred but blaring deafeningly loud in my ear. "There's a room right around the hall! I saved it for you two in case you want to get it on!"

Taehyung's eyes widened at his statement and I could tell he was going to go off on him, but Jin rushed in from another side of the room. He gripped onto Namjoon's wrist and pulled him off of me. I stepped closer to Taehyung and gave him a back hug along with a soft neck kiss.

"Aish Namjoon, I told you not to drink this much!" Jin scolded and propped namjoon up against his back. "Jungkook? Why are you here?"

"I brought him with me since our date was cancelled" Taehyung smiled.

"No, take him back home it's not safe here." Jin took a quick glance around the room, making sure no one was dead or dying yet.
"Everyone is drinking way too much and I really don't want to have to be a babysitter for him"

Taehyung turned around in my arms to poke my cheek playfully. "I'll be his baby-sitter, don't worry"

"Taehyung, I'm not kidding. Please take him home before my dad finds out and kills the three of us" Jin pleaded while holding up a dazed Namjoon, who was trying to escape his grip.

"I'm not kidding either hyung. I'll take care of him, I promise." Taehyung grinned as he took my hand in his to drag me away from my irritated brother.

"Yah! Taehyung!" Jin called, but we were already in another part of the apartment.

"Okay, first things first," Taehyung spun on his heels to face me. He held up a red cup full of a clear liquid. "You're going to have to drink at least one cup tonight"

I contemplated on accepting the offer before taking it and chugging the entire thing. Taehyung laughed and kissed me straight after, dragging his tongue across my lip as he pulled away. I smiled and kissed him back with a bit more force. He stumbled backwards, straight into the kitchen counter and letting out a small moan.

I trailed my hands up his thighs and gripped tightly on his perfectly curved hips. Tapping my fingers against his leg, he took the message and hopped up onto the hard surface. Our tongues danced together in each other's mouths, taking in our fragrances and sweetness.

"Jungkook" Taehyung stuck a hand in between our lips, bringing our moment to a halt. I groaned and tried to pry his hand away but he clamped it over his own mouth.

"Tae, kiss me" I pouted and brought my body closer to his, barely giving us space between our crotch area.

"As much as I would love to, we are not about to have sex on a kitchen counter while at a lame party" Taehyung's voice muffled out from his palm.

"Baby~" I cooed and sloppily kissed the back of his hand that prevented me from getting to his plump lips.

"Kookie, let's just go back to your house." Taehyung slipped off of the counter and held my hand, dragging me along to the entrance.

"You're not going anywhere!" Hoseok stood in front of the door defensively, glaring at the two of us. "I'm not going to stay here alone to watch over everyone else. Namjoon and Jin already left, please stay here!"

"Hoseok, I'm dealing with an already drunk jungkook who is a million times hornier. Let me take him home and I'll be right back" Taehyung promised.

I pulled a strand of his hair and whispered in his ear, "I'm not drunk and you know that..stop lying and let's just stay here"

He winced and looked back at Hoseok. "Fine, we'll stay here."

"Just take care of your horny man in the room Namjoon left you" Hoseok laughed and pointed behind us.

I lifted Taehyung from the ground and carried him in a bridal style to the empty room. "Let's get to work baby"

"Jeon Jungkook, don't make me punish you. Put me down!" Taehyung yelled and gasped when I let him fall onto the bed.

"Taehyung" I climbed on top of him and began kissing his neck. "Mmmm tae"

"Jungkook you don't handle alcohol well, I can tell." He sighed and shoved my face away. "I want you so bad but you're so freaking drunk right now. You had one cup Kookie"

"Yugyeom" I mumbled as my eyes fluttered closed. My mind had cleared out from any thoughts and I cuddled up next to him silently.

"Who the fuck is Yugyeom!?"

- - -

"Jungkook, wake up."


"Asshole, wake up!"

I shot up from my nap and rubbed my eyes. I looked around at my surroundings to see I was still in the bedroom at the party. "Taehyung?" I called out.

"I'm right here" he snapped and shoved a bottle of water in my face.  "Drink this, and this" he placed a white tablet in my palm, avoiding eye contact the whole time.

I frowned and took the pill and drank water. "Is the party still going on?"

"Yea, you knocked out for a good hour." He muttered. "Meet me outside when you're sober enough"

"Wait–" I grabbed his arm and brought him back to me. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What do you mean what's wrong!?  Why don't you ask yourself that?"
He hissed and jerked his arm away.

"What hell has gotten into you? Why are you so angry?" I stood up from the bed and held both of his hands. "Did I do something?"

"Who is Yugyeom?" He asked with an annoyed tone. "Are you seeing him?"

"What, no! He's just some guy at my school"

"If he's just some guy then why did you moan his name out after trying to make a move on me?" He looked down at the ground shamefully.

"I was drunk, It just slipped. I'm sorry, he was sort of bothering me at school.." I mumbled.

"Bothering you?" He cupped my face in his hands and stared at me with concern. "What did he do? Do I have to beat his ass? I'll get namjoon to do it"

"No, he just really likes me. He's a huge player but he seems to be out for me at the moment" I smiled softly. "But after showing him my hickeys, I'm pretty sure he'll back off"

"He better!" Taehyung frowned and hugged me tight. "You're mine"

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