thirty nine

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//A/N: this chapter will contain mentions of drugs and possible rape, if you dislike these topics please skip this chapter.//


Darkness had begun to consume Taehyung whole, tugging him deeper into the familiar pit of darkness he had experienced before. The tears that stained his cheeks had no longer taken affect on him, they were meaningless. Each time he would find himself sobbing, he would snap himself out of it. He couldn't be weak and upset; he did this to himself. He could've just said no to Junhui, but instead, he went out for drinks with him.

Taehyung shrugged on a thick coat before exiting his dorm and stepping out, straight into a gust of cold wind. His body shivered due to the sudden freeze, but his emotions differed. They were cold, always, whatever he did would always be accounted for something upsetting or shame worthy. He was useless.

Odd thing was though, Taehyung didn't feel like himself anymore. It was like he was living in someone else's life. He doesn't even remember how that night with Jun took place. Why would he go to his house when he could just call Jungkook to take him home? Jungkook lived just as close.

Taehyung brushed off his worries and took care of his issues. If he was going to be with Jun and building a better relationship, it's better to start now. His legs lead him back to the familiar road, leading to Jun's front doorsteps. He sighed and knocked on the door a few times before receiving an answer.

"TaeTae," Jun smiled, pulling Taehyung into his home by his thin wrist. "It's freezing outside, why didn't you tell me to go pick you up?"

"It's a short walk, it's fine" Taehyung returned a weak smile while hanging his coat on the coat rack. "I um..need to talk with you though"

"Oh yea, of course. Let's go up to my room" Junhui gestured for him to follow him up the stairs, to which Taehyung did.
"What do you need to talk about?"

Taehyung took a seat on the edge of his bed, watching Junhui walk around the room aimlessly. Almost in a nervous manner. "Us."

"Us? Ah, you don't want to be together? Did I take this too fast?" Jun worried

"'s just...I was dating Jungkook but, I broke up with him to be with you" Taehyung mumbled. "I'm..having second thoughts"

"Second thoughts? don't want to be with me?" Junhui's voice was shaky.

"I don't know, I think I'm just confused right now. I don't exactly remember everything that happened last night. I..I think I regret everything"  Taehyung sighed and held his head in his hands.

"Don't regret it. We had fun, you and I both share the same feelings" Jun assured, but Taehyung couldn't agree.

"That's the thing, I don't know anymore! Why can't I remember anything? The only thing I can make out from yesterday was when we were drinking. After the bar, everything was just a blur, I must've gotten really drunk.

Jun, I think this is bad. This isn't going to end well for either of us, I'm already developing depression and I really don't need this stress during finals either.."

Junhui scoffed and turned away, standing in front of his drawer and chuckling. "You're right, this won't end well."

"Yea, I just don't think we're meant to be together. We can still be friends though, I don't mind that. And even though my relationship with Jungkook is gone, I'm sure I can work something out with him too. Maybe we can just forget about yesterday and move on? I was too drunk to remember anything anyway"

"No. You see–im not one to just let go of people that I love. People that I want, I get. Friends are people who will stab you in the back and betray you. People who you love and build a strong relationship will stay by your side, no matter what" Junhui kept his back toward Taehyung, letting his words come out as a low grumble.

"Taehyung, you're going to stay by my side whether you want to or not." He threatened.

Taehyung immediately shivered, realizing the life-threatening position he could be in. "J-Jun, I..I can't! This isn't right. You abused me and I'm not going to return to that!"

"Oh but you will. Do you want to know why you can't remember anything from last night?" Jun laughed mischievously, now fumbling with something Taehyung couldn't see.

"There's this little thing I used on you last night. God, you were so willing to become my friend again that you didn't even question me when I took your glass away while you were so fucking drunk. Wanna know what I put in your drink?" Junhui turned to face Taehyung, staring at him darkly.

Taehyung shook his head furiously, standing up quickly and shuffling away from him. Junhui grinned sinisterly before pulling a syringe filled with a clear liquid.

"Ketamine," He laughed lowly, taking a few dangerous steps closer to Taehyung. "It was so easy to slip it in.."

The night Before...

"Wow this drink is good, what's in it?" Taehyung giggled, inspecting the drink closely.

"Whiskey and Coke, do you like it?" Jun smirked.

"Yea! Order some more!" Taehyung's eyes twinkled beautifully, despite the amount of adrenaline and alcohol running through his veins.

"Alright" Jun nodded and ordered more, taking the drink Taehyung currently had and switching it out for one of the freshly poured ones.

"Hey, I didn't finish that yet" Taehyung pouted, trying to get the glass back.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were" Jun gave him the drink back, sneaking the remainders of the drug he had snuck into his pocket.

"No, silly." Taehyung laughed, drinking the drink without hesitation.

-End of flashback-

"So now, we're here. And you're in love with me as much as I am." Junhui smiled, nearing Taehyung even more.

"No I'm not, please Jun, don't do this. I-I don't want to be hurt anymore...I'm done! This isn't f-fair! You don't have to drug me o-or abuse me!" Taehyung cried as he felt his back hit the wall.

"Oh TaeTae, if only it could work that way. But it can't, because you haven't taken your medicine yet" Junhui uncapped the syringe and latched onto Taehyung's arm. "Let's give you some of this so we can be happy together! You can forget everything bad that's happened today!"

Taehyung screamed and out of reflex, punched him right across the face. Junhui doubled over in pain, holding himself up with the wall.

"Bad boy TaeTae! Bad decisions lead to bad things happening to you!" Junhui growled as Taehyung ran for the door.

"Come back Taehyung!" Junhui's footsteps lingered behind Taehyung, frightening him even more.

Within his choked sobs and screams for help, he managed to call out for his only hero.



(A/N:   :) I hope you liked this chapter..   )

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