thirty seven

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By the time the sunlight could stream through the blinds,Taehyung was already dressed and sober. His head thumped in pain from the hangover currently taking place, but nonetheless made his way toward the familiar bedroom door.

As his hand gripped the handle, a muffled groan sounded throughout the room. Frozen in his spot, Taehyung peered over his shoulder to see Junhui still sound asleep. He sighed and left the house for good.

Did Taehyung have fun last night? Hell yeah

Did Taehyung regret it? A bit.

Should Taehyung have done that to Jungkook's young, naive and frail heart? No.

Does he even forgive himself? Not really.

But what did his heart really say?
Did he regret allowing Junhui to confess his love for him? Did he regret saying it back? Does he even want to remember the fact that he, indeed, has a boyfriend?

Nothing in Taehyung's mind could comprehend the night before. Too many thoughts and emotions had created a whirlpool in his thoughts, enveloping him into a dark and lonely state. He did regret it. He did want to confirm his love to Junhui, but what was he going to tell Jungkook? His boyfriend of a few months, his boyfriend who worries over the smallest things and could never leave his side. His boyfriend who cared deeply about him since the day he found out about Junhui, his abusive ex-boyfriend, who he happens to have just slept with. 

Taehyung was afraid and confused as his gaze kept to the pebbles below his shoes. His hands were wrapped tightly around the bag that held his belongings, getting tighter the closer he came to the Jeon's residence. He stumbled over his own feet, nearly coming face-to-face, or rather face-to-concrete, with the ground. He exhaled deeply before allowing his fingers to lift one of the pebbles off the ground. His eyes trailed up to the window that encased Jungkook in his room. He used his strength to fling the pebble up, hitting the glass directly with a faint 'clink'.

No response.

Taehyung threw another. And another. And another, until the curtains pulled back to reveal a very disheveled Jungkook. He squinted down at the boy with a handful of pebbles, frowning before waving him a signal of patience. The curtains closed again which made Taehyung move towards the front door to wait for his boyfriend.

"Taehyung, what the hell are you doing up right now? It's nearly 5am on a freaking Saturday." Jungkook hissed as the door swung open. Taehyung's head lowered as he shrugged.

"C-Can we talk?" He mumbled, making Jungkook's heart drop to his stomach. "Yea.."

The pair silently made their way up to the youngers room, careful not to wake the two adults snoring inside their bedroom. Jungkook closed the door with the lock before turning to Taehyung, who had seated himself at the edge of Jungkook's bed.

"What's wrong Tae?" Jungkook, concerned, asked while taking a seat next to him.

"I.. I'm going to be honest with you, okay?" Taehyung looked down at the carpet before proceeding. "Junhui came to my work last night,"

Jungkook's breath hitched slightly at the name. He hated him and he knew Taehyung did too. Or so he thought.
He instantly wrapped an arm around the olders shoulder to comfort him.

"It's okay Tae, he won't hurt you anymore. You have me now, remember? I love you. No one is going to treat you the way that asshole treated you." Jungkook placed a kiss to the side of his head, making Taehyung flinch and pull away.

"Jungkook, I–" Taehyung stood up and covered his face with his hands. "I cheated on you with Junhui. We–He–confessed to me, saying he was a changed man and he said he still loves me. A-And, I believed it. Jungkook...I...we had sex and I...I still love him. I'm sorry.."

Jungkook's heart sank completely, shattering into a million jagged pieces and cutting him from the inside. His body felt heavy, allowing the mattress to sink below his weight. His mind had shut off, reset, and continued to reply those words in his mind;

"I still love him..."

Taehyung leaned against the wall and let out a choked sob. "I'm so sorry. I know you loved me alot, and I did too..but, I don't know! I just–something came over me. I couldn't stop thinking about how happy I was with Junhui in the beginning of our relationship, and how much I missed him. And now, he's changed, he's better than before..and he loves me again. A-And..I'm really trying to find a way to forget about him but...he's apart of me now. He always has been. I love him.

I-If you hate me now, and I know you do, just tell me. I won't be able to take it if you lie to me. I'm sorry for hurting you or leading you on, but it's time to end this. I-I can't be with someone who I feel nothing towards.."

"Get out."

Taehyung uncovered his eyes to be met with a still Jungkook, a hard expression plastered onto his face. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it when Jungkook doubled over and began wailing.

"G-Get out Taehyung! I-I don't need you, good luck with y-your new boyfriend! I hope he treats you just as good as I did, because I know if anyone has to deal with you, they might as well be set up with a child." Jungkook snapped.

"You act l-like this was all fun and games, huh? Was this relationship a joke to you!? Was my sincerity and affection some kind of rebound to you? Just so you can go back with him after you've had enough of me?"

"W-What?No! Jungkook, p-please don't think like that–"

"-Then how am I supposed to think!? How do you want me to react to this Taehyung? Am I just supposed to let you go off and get fucked over by that asshole again? After everything I've done for you, I would've expected you to at least break up with me normally. Not just wake me up at 5am in the morning to tell me you slept with someone else, who happens to be Junhui!

Just..Just leave Taehyung. Don't come back and please don't hurt me anymore. I've had enough of this crap. Have fun getting abused." Jungkook burried his face in his hands as he heard Taehyung cry out a faint 'sorry'.

"Jungkook? Honey, are you watching TV at this time? It's too early, go back to bed" His mother spoke from the other side of the door.

"Get out Taehyung, leave!" Jungkook shouted one last time before shooting up and shoving him to the door. Taehyung yelped and unlocked it quickly, meeting face-to-face with a worried mother. She widened her eyes and covered her mouth slightly.

"I-I'm sorry Jungkook, I didn't know Taehyung was here...did I ruin something? Oh–Taehyung, sweetie, why are you crying? Jungkook, what's going on?" She raised a hand to brush away the tears on Taehyung's face, only to be swatted away by him.

"I'm sorry, I should've known not to come here so early. I'll be going now." Taehyung sniffed. "Um, Just act like this never happened, okay? Nothing ever happened."

"Oh, okay.. Jungkook? Care to explain to me then?" Jungkook wiped away his tears and turned to his mother as Taehyung rushed out of the house.

"We broke up. He's gone, mom. I hate him." He stormed back into his room, slamming the door behind himself and locking it before burrowing into his blankets.

"...I hate him..."

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