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"Mrs.Jeon, nice to finally meet you. Although, this isn't the way I thought we would meet.." The principal greeted, shaking my mother's hand with a cheesy smile molded onto his lips.

"Yes, my husband should be here in a few minutes...may I ask, why I've been called here?" She sat down in the seat next to mine,glancing over at me every few seconds.

"Well, it has been brought to my attention that your son may be facing issues at home." The man clicked his pen and sighed.

"Issues? W-What is that supposed to mean? My son is perfectly fine!" Her brows knitted together out of frustration.

"Nothing is going on at home sir. This is all merely a misunderstanding.." I spoke up, leaning forwards in my chair.

"Jungkook had an outburst in the middle of the cafeteria today. He used vulgar language, and caused a huge scene in front of the other students." He stated bluntly. "Now, his grades are also something that has caught my attention ma'am."

"What? Jungkook, what is he talking about? You had an outburst?" She gripped onto my arm, tugging me closer to her and frowning.

"Mom, it was nothing I swear. I was just a bit angry at something my friend said.." I lied.

"Ah, Mr.Kim! Nice to meet you, I'm principal Choi" he stood from his chair, shaking my father's hand before taking his seat again.

"What's going on? Jungkook, what did you do?" He questioned and pulled a chair for himself.

"Jungkook caused a scene in the middle of the cafeteria today" my mother told him before the principal could explain.

"A scene, like a fight? Jungkook, what on Earth have you done now?" He snapped.

I groaned and rubbed my temples. Fortunately, mr.choi cleared his throat and continued to explain the situation to them.

"Your son's grades are low, but with the help of after school tutoring he could potentially pass his final year perfectly. And about his outburst; I'm not sure if something is happening at home? Maybe arguments triggered him?"

"No, we just moved to Seoul and we haven't had any problems" my father huffed. "If you're going to accuse us of causing our son trouble, then please explain how that works because we are clearly not the issue here!"

"Mr.Kim, please stay calm..I'm just here to figure out what could possibly be troubling your son. He was crying and yelling when I found him just a few minutes ago.." he calmly said.

"Jungkook, why were you crying? Are okay, are you sick?" My mother placed her palm on my forehead, checking for a temperature but I pulled away.

"I said I'm fine! There's nothing wrong with me. I'll go to the tutoring, just let us all leave" I covered my face and released a loud sigh.

"Jungkook, be respectful. We're just trying to help" my father demanded.

"How are you trying to help me when you'll just get even more angry and strive against me when I really do tell you what's wrong!?" I shouted, glaring at them as tears began to build up in my eyes again.

"What has gotten into you, Kook? Tell me baby, what's wrong.." my mother rubbed my back. "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad."

"Exactly! It's not bad at all, but you are the one that makes it seem as if it's a disgraceful thing!" I snapped back through choked sobs.

"Jungkook, please lower your voice, there's no reason to yell" the principal ordered.

"What are you talking about Kook? How am I doing anything?" She cupped my face and stared at me with her round brown eyes.

"M-Mom..I'm gay.." I cried and shut my eyes tight, awaiting the response I already had in mind.

"Oh.." the principal coughed and stepped out of the office. "I'll give you some space.."

My father's hand came around my shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze before my head was forcefully smashed into his chest. He was hugging me..

"You really think we didn't know? You've been rejecting every girl in your life, telling us that all girls have cooties." He chuckled. "And yet, boys don't. Weird huh?"

"Y-You're not mad?" I stuttered, peering over to see my mother smiling softly.

"I long as you're happy, I'm happy Kook. You should have the right to love whoever" she nodded and stroked my hair.

"But why the hell were you crying in front of everyone?" My father gently shoved me away to look at me directly.

"W-Well...there's this guy that I like.."I began, my voice still raspy from crying. "And he recently asked me out and then we broke up because of some stupid argument...and now he's back with his abusive ex"

"Aish, why would he get with someone who doesn't treat him well? My son is the perfect man that he needs, right kook?" My mother giggled.

My smile faltered as I began to worry more about him. What if he forced him into dating him again? Was he still abusing him even though they were dating now?

"M-Mom..can I have my phone back?" I asked nervously.

"Well, your grades are still we'll see." She crossed her arms, glaring at me slightly. "You better get all A's this semester, Kook. I mean it."

"Yes, I promise." I nodded and we all stood up from the office and walked out, immediately being greeted by the principal again.

"I hope you all have a wonderful day, sorry for the trouble. But your son will be attending tutoring after school starting tomorrow" he notified, bowing to my parents before they left.

I sighed and headed back to my normal day, still having Taehyung on my mind.
I need to see him.
I need to tell him that everything is okay now.

Everything is okay now, right?

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