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"Where are you taking me?" Jungkooks voice was at a low whisper as he followed me through a row of bookshelves.

"Somewhere, just be patient" I ordered, and held his wrist tighter while students that were doing late night studying passed us.

"What is there to see in a library?" He questioned with a scoff. "Books? Are you going to read me something?"

"Shut up, Jungkook" I stopped in my tracks to glare back at him, to which he listened and kept quiet.

I snuck passed one of the hall monitors and climbed up the stairs which lead to the top floor. Jungkooks shoes made a squeaking noise against the freshly polished tiles. I winced at the sound, hoping no one heard it.

His steps became quieter and he continued to trail behind. We finally came to a stop and I pointed towards a blue door with a smile. Jungkook cocked his head to the side and frowned, "what's this for?"

I answered his question by opening it, giving us both access to the rooftop. "Come on" I tugged on his jacket and pulled him out.

"Woah" he gazed at the beautiful scenery around us in awe. The rooftop gave us a glorious view of the city of Seoul.

"It looks amazing up here, how did you discover this?" He asked while making his way to the edge of the roof.

"I got really curious one night and ended up exploring around the building. That night was...an eventful night.." I muttered and stood stiffly next to him.

"Taehyung, who's Jun?" His question made me freeze and I hesitated on whether to tell him the truth, or to live peacefully with a lie. I decided that telling the truth was the best choice.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply before lowering my head, allowing the slight breeze to wisp through my hair. "My first love. The man I was for sure I would marry and adopt kids with.."

I noticed jungkook frown a bit once I said that, but continued anyway.

"...he took everything pure about me away. At first, he was loving and thoughtful to me, but one day he just...I don't know. He lost it. He drank too much, and that lead to him confessing everything." I swallowed back my tears, not wanting to waste them on such a useless person.

"Tae, you don't have to tell me anything. I can wait-"

"I've never told anyone what he actually said. Not even Hoseok, which is why he keeps trying to set us up again.." I sighed again.

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