twenty nine

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"um..Hyungwon?" Jungkook turned to where the bathroom was located to see his best friend walking out.

"Yup" he replied while drying his hands on the towel.

"Taehyung may or may not be on his way here right now.." Jungkook mumbled, lowering his head.

"Jungkook. Really? Can't he just give us a day to hang out? It's a day! One singular day!" Hyungwon scoffed and sat down on the floor again. "Tell him I said no"

"I'm sure he'll just be quiet the whole time" he hoped. "I'll tell him to leave after a couple minutes.."

"Yea, you better" Hyungwon groaned and began the next round of games. "He'll just be third wheeling on our fun"

Jungkook laughed and continued the game with him.


"I'll just tell him you're not here" Hyungwon planned as the doorbell rang downstairs.

"Apparently my location is on, so he can see I'm here" Jungkook explained and let out a sigh.

"Well, I'll go let him in then." Hyungwon stood up and stepped down the stairs to allow Jungkook's boyfriend in. In all honesty, he didn't mind him coming over. What he did mind was that he was definitely going to take Jungkook away and ruin their gaming night. He didn't like that.

"We don't want your girl-scout cookies!" Hyungwon joked as he cracked the door open slightly. Taehyung clicked his tongue and shoved him out of the way.

"Where is he?" Taehyung ignored Hyungwon's rant about 'ruining their fun time's and something about him 'being an asshole'.

"He's not here" Hyungwon lied, crossing his arms over his chest and protectively standing in front of the staircase.

"Oh really?" Taehyung shoved him aside and sprinted up the stairs.

"Yah!" Hyungwon trailed behind him as the older charged into a room that didn't contain who he was looking for. "You can't just run around someone's house!"

"Kookie! Where are you? Daddy is here!" Taehyung shouted with his hands cupped around his mouth.

"Woah what the hell?" Hyungwon frowned at the nickname and shook his head in disgust. "You guys are gross"

Taehyung managed to find the room where Jungkook was seated peacefully on the floor, controller in hand. The older tackled his boyfriend as soon as he saw him, kissing him all over and leaving a dark spot on his neck before pulling away.

"You left me all alone at home! I was so worried you were kidnapped or something" Taehyung pouted as he straddled his lap.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and smiled softly at him. "We don't need to be together all the time"

"Um, yes we do. That's what dating is all about!" Taehyung grinned. "And some other things too.."

"Well, I'm glad you're here.." Jungkook began, carefully shifting Taehyung from his lap to the floor. "But Hyungwon and I really wanted to hang out today"

"Alright, I see how it is. You like him better huh?" Taehyung whined and faced his back to the boy. "Go ahead, hang out with your side hoe"


"No, go on! I don't want to interrupt" Taehyung continued as he did feel slight jealousy.

"Tae, it'll only be for a few hours and then we can go home after" Jungkook promised.

"Take as long as you need, I don't care. You two are probably dating while I'm gone at school right–"

Jungkook cupped his cheeks in his hands and smashed his lips onto the others. Taehyung gasped but let him do what he pleased. The younger licked Taehyung's bottom lip tauntingly while nibbling on it gently. Before the kiss could get any more heated than it already was, Hyungwon cleared his throat, interrupting the scene.

"Just a few hours okay?" Jungkook pulled away from Taehyung as he nodded in response, still blushing and grinning like a maniac.

"I'll watch you play" Taehyung managed to mutter out through his wide smile.
Jungkook smirked and grabbed him by the waist, seating him down in between his legs and resting his own chin on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung giggled quietly and attempted to focus on the game the two friends were playing, but he had other things running around in his mind...

Tonight is the night...

I will make Jungkook scream my name.


"Thanks for letting me come over" Jungkook thanked Hyungwon and gave him a high five as they all stood near the front door.

"Yea, I wish you could stay longer..but maybe we can hang out again next weekend?" Hyungwon smiled and glanced over at a glaring Taehyung.

"Sure!" Jungkook opened the door and stepped out onto the porch with Taehyung following behind him. "See you at school" he waved and finally left.

"Kookie" Taehyung called at a low whisper as he intertwined his fingers with Jungkook's.

"Mhm?" The younger hummed whilst staring at the sidewalk that led up to his house.

"Can we um.."

Jungkook's eyes watched Taehyung as he chewed on his lip nervously. He comfortingly stroked Taehyung's hand with his thumb to try to calm him.

"I-I.." Taehyung stuttered and shook his head. Why can't I say it? I've said it plenty of times before..

"Can we what, baby?" Jungkook questioned as they approached his home.

"Sex!" Taehyung blurted out, turning red and darting his gaze to the floor at his embarrassing request.

The silence between the two was killing Taehyung slowly. He shouldn't have said that. What if Jungkook isn't ready? What if he doesn't want to do it with him? Is he even a virgin? Would he know what to do? Does he even like him that much? God Taehyung you're so stupid–

"Do you think you can handle it?"

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