Chapter I

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It was a clear, sunny spring day in New Haven, Connecticut, and nothing could have been better than it was. The skies were painted in the brightest blue, and there wasn't a trace of clouds to be seen. The sound of birds singing mixed with gentle music coming from speakers that somebody placed in the park for personal enjoyment, and it added to the atmosphere nicely.

In front of a big building known as the University of Yale, or just Yale by its loyal students, a certain blonde haired American in a grey college hoodie was adjusting his glasses, sitting on a slightly shaky bench underneath his favourite tree that also gave him shade and protection from the bright light of the sun, opening his laptop as he placed it on his lap. It was time to go over some of the notes he did in class, and at the same time he was able to relax. Other students moved around the park, some sat, some talked, some studied, some laughed... Everybody was having a great day.
The boy scrolled down the typed out notes he had done for Art history, one of the classes he took along with Art, English and Calculus, a weird combination, he might have been the only one with it, but he didn't care. He did what he loved the most - painting, writing and solving problems. Yet none of those other ones could even compete with the feeling of smoothly running a paintbrush down a blank surface, getting out all of his emotions just with those gentle strokes until a painting was created. And he was amazing at it, to the point of getting his work exhibited in the university exhibition hall.

His name was Alfred Jones, and if he had a dollar for every time he was called out for having such a common name, he would have been somewhere other than the United States of America years ago. Still, for some reason, he didn't mind. He thought it suited his personality a lot. The boy was extroverted, very social, enthusiastic about everything, constantly the optimist of his friend group and probably one of the most passionate people at college. He had a tendency to actively fight and stand up for everything he believed was right, and would always get a massive amount of support. The others said it was because of his charismatic smile and undying positivity, the will to go on despite everything, but that came with an annoying side to it. So many girls had already asked him out, and he told everyone he wasn't interested in romance about six million times by now.

Well, that was a lie. He was interested in romance, but not with girls. And even if it happened, none of those girls felt like the right one for him anyway. He wanted a long term relationship, a loving, caring partner who would be there for him because of his inner, deeper self, and not a one night stand because he was, apparently, good looking. Even if he didn't quite think so himself.
He believed he would never find something like that, but again, his older brother Matthew Jones thought the same thing, and he had been in a relationship with this gorgeous French Canadian girl called Adrienne Bonnefoy since the first year of college. It was love at first sight, the two of them would always say.

Matthew was almost the opposite of his brother, but again, they were similar in ways. They both cared a lot about people, were very social, but Matthew preferred to stay rational, organized and attached to his emotions unlike his highly intuitive brother who liked the phrase go with the flow more than anything. And the older was more into science than the other. For him, no painting could measure with solving problems in physics and chemistry, though he had a soft spot for Psychology, a class he also took along with Natural sciences.

Today, Alfred was supposed to meet a person. His new roommate, since the Danish boy he used to share the room with had just moved away, and they were just in the process of accepting some top new students from around the world. He was excited the whole day, but had to wait a little longer for somebody to notify him that they, the person he'd live with, arrived.
But at the moment, he got lost in thought far too easily after a long day, and the peace of the park almost put him to sleep. He decided to turn off his laptop, shove it in the backpack and put earphones in, just glancing into the distance and observing while soft music filled his senses. It wasn't considered unusual as it was back in highschool, which was a thing he loved about college. He was only nineteen, but sometimes he felt like his mind was older. More mature than most people his age, which might have been the reason why he didn't have too many friends despite his sociable soul. His friends were a brown haired Hungarian girl named Elizabeta, her boyfriend Gilbert and Mathias, the Danish guy who sadly wasn't with them anymore since yesterday. Of course, there were many more people he considered friends, but he was close with none of them as he was with his lovely, little group. He just loved them.

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