Chapter VII

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A little bit later, Arthur had finally woken up and got ready for the day, realizing how he already overslept and stayed in bed until two in the afternoon. He was just extremely exhausted from everything that happened in the past week, and a little bit of extra rest was never a bad thing.

He instantly went to get himself a cup of coffee, slightly ashamed for yelling at Alfred during the night yet at the same time weirdly proud about standing up for himself, since he was usually the one to stay silent instead of fighting back. Joining some of the students in the cafeteria, he took his drink and sat next to the window where a blonde haired girl quietly read something on her Kindle and softly sipped tea.

"So, have you finally realized he's faking it?"

Arthur looked up after hearing a familiar voice, finding himself face to face with the girl who saw them in the hallway not so long ago, the same person who immediately accused Alfred of doing everything for attention.

"I-I'm not sure." He let out a long exhale, taking a sip of coffee. And she sat right next to him, on the only empty seat remaining in the room. "It seems quite real to me, but I can never know until he lets me take him to a psychiatrist."

"He's probably refusing to go because he knows he's acting and doesn't want to get caught." She shifted closer to the Englishman, crossing her legs and glancing at him almost in a flirtatious manner. "My name is Emma, by the way. I know yours, it's only fair you know mine."

Arthur blinked in confusion, gathering his thoughts before he could muster out a sentence over all the social anxiety that suddenly encircled him. "Uh, good to know. But why are you so eager to discuss Alfred's case? He's my boyfriend, not yours, no matter how rude that might have sounded."

"I heard you shouting at him at about three this morning. You know, I sleep in the room across, and you two can be super loud." Emma continued, completely ignoring his remark. "What was going on?"

"That's none of your business!" After that question, he couldn't help but snap at her. But he still made a mental note to himself not to shout as loudly around nosy people who wanted to know things that weren't supposed to be their problem.

"Geez, calm, I just asked one thing..." The girl rolled her eyes, but didn't make an effort to shift away from him.

For a couple of seconds, the entire cafeteria turned towards them, still, it didn't last that long since everyone minded their own business and couldn't care less about someone fighting. As long as no one got physically hurt.

"He woke me up, alright? I was tired, and he decided to bloody paint in the middle of the night and pushed a glass off the desk. If you really want to know. So I got annoyed and mindlessly shouted. I didn't mean to, but sometimes I don't think before I speak."

"Sounds like a nuisance, if you ask me." Emma chuckled, fidgeting with the sleeves of her shirt.

"Yeah, but I didn't ask you." Arthur replied with venom in his voice and got off the chair to leave, but she still followed right after him. "Why are you coming with me, for goodness' sake?!" He asked in perplexion, his voice going high pitched for a moment.

Emma just impatiently groaned, shutting the door behind them after they left, grabbing Arthur by the hand before he could turn away and walk down the hallway without her. "Wait!" She managed to make him stop in his tracks. "I want to talk!"

"Can you leave me alone? I literally just woke up." He glared at her top to bottom.

"I'm sorry, I'm too curious... But in all honesty, if it turns out that he is being truthful about it, I'm here to help." She said with a glint of seriousness in her eyes, still having a soft grip on Arthur's hand. "I can also get carried away with things."

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