Chapter XVII

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"Why do you want to make me angry so badly?!"

Alfred couldn't take it anymore. He had to step on this Russian bastard's ego a little before things got out of hand. The last thing he felt like doing was becoming submissive to someone he just met, someone who was so delusional he thought he owned the right to proclaim himself the higher power. That's not how things worked with Alfred - this was America, the country of democracy, not the totalitarian Soviet Union with Ivan as the leader.

"You're cute when you're angry." The Russian giggled with an evil undertone to it, gaze locked to the frustrated American in front of him.

But the other didn't like that. No, he hated it. "You think I'm cute? Do you even know what anger does to me? It's all your fault, this is all your fault!" He got up from the chair in quick movements, making the entire hall turn their heads towards him in the heat of his anger breakdown. "They're getting louder, everything is screaming, and it's all because of you!"

Ivan stared at him with satisfaction in his eyes - to him, Alfred got what he deserved for all the sarcastic remarks he said earlier. "That's good, show me how mad you are right now." He followed the American by getting up as well, looking down at him with anticipation about what he was going to do next.

"What is wrong with you?!" Alfred shook his head violently, crying out in despair and hoping for the voices to stop shrieking in his mind again, wanting so badly to run away or disappear, something he had never felt in his entire life.

"Many things, that's why I'm here." The Russian simply shrugged, sinking back into his seat with his arms crossed as he watched Alfred's furious facial expressions changing throughout seconds. A sudden, immense rush of satisfaction washed over him, observing the shorter boy who was about to catch attention of the psychiatrists across the room.

Perhaps he was dangerous, after all, Emilia thought as she noticed his anger outburst. But again, the Russian he talked to was known for making a mess every now and then.

"Right, no one is hurting anyone any time soon." Two of the doctors decided to meddle in their fight, but knew very well that they would need a third person if things escalated into something physical. So Emilia agreed to join them, since Alfred was her patient and she had grown to care about him a lot even if he hadn't been there for a full day.

They took Alfred by the hands just as he was about to jump Ivan and his godforsaken smug face that he wanted to destroy, and he winced from the pain once his arms were behind his back. Fear overwhelmed him, and he didn't know how to act in this situation but simply scream out for help, thrash around in hope they would let him go.

"What, are you scared?" Ivan commented with an evil chuckle from the side, earning a sharp glare from one of the doctors. Oh, shit. He needed to keep quiet so he wouldn't end up somewhere he didn't want to be. Just like Alfred was going to, if things were going exactly how the Russian had planned.

"Let me go!" Alfred cried out loud, tears streaming down his pale face, but he didn't notice that small detail. He could only focus on the endless string of screams following every step he took - more like, tried to take, as he was held in the doctors' tight grip.

"We can't do that. You were about to fight him." One of them said sternly, but Emilia didn't like how he was treated.

"It's not your fault", she whispered to make him feel better, but he couldn't hear clearly. In fact, he couldn't hear her at all.

They took him away to the room down the corridor and to the right, the one with better security for those who were considered dangerous in any way, hands tightly held behind his back, the doctors ignoring each of his cries. It hurt Emilia to see him like that, and she didn't want anyone to be treated with such cruelty as Alfred was at that moment.

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