Chapter IV

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The next morning when Alfred woke up, Gilbert and Elizabeta were already gone with the first flight, since they wanted the best out of spring break, and for that they needed to get going early to get to Hungary, more specifically, to Liz's parents.
Adrienne and Matthew were just taking their leave, packing the rest of the things and saying goodbye to everyone and anyone they saw in the hallways. After all, their trip was much shorter and they had time on their hands. Canada wasn't that far.

The younger of the two American brothers couldn't get last night out of his head. Getting absolutely no sleep, he tumbled out of the room drowsily, forgetting to change into normal clothing so he just left his pyjamas on, and the first thing he saw in the hall in front of his little apartment was Matthew, crossing off the last thing they needed for the travel from the list he held in his hands.

"Morning", Alfred muttered, avoiding eye contact, but the other didn't reply and instead walked away pretending he didn't see or hear anyone.

That action just broke Alfred's heart. "I messed up so fucking much, didn't I...?" He whispered underneath his breath, letting out a small sigh out of disappointment in himself.

"Alfred! Why aren't you dressed?" Adrienne happily approached him, tightly embracing into a hug to which he could just stand there awkwardly. In all honesty, he needed a hug. It sometimes made things a little better.

"Oh... I guess I forgot." He chuckled, looking down for a shorter moment, then remembered he should probably put on a happy act so he wouldn't make anyone worried. "Where's Arthur, by the way? I haven't seen him yet this morning."

The girl shrugged apologetically and took him by the arm, immediately making him tense until she spoke up again. "Let's get you out of these pyjamas. You can sometimes be a total child, but at least you have us to take care of you. Isn't that right, Matthew?" She turned around and flashed a serious look to her boyfriend, but he only quickly nodded, not paying much attention to the words being said.

"So, you gonna pick out my clothes or not?" Alfred quickly tried to change the topic, wishing he didn't have to sound so rude.

"Right, right." She dragged him back into his dorm room, attacking the small wardrobe behind the door and taking out some fancy looking jeans along with a bright yellow hoodie with 'laziness is my middle name' on it in calligraphy. Of course Alfred would have something like that in his closet. "Okay, what's going on between you and Matt?" Once she shut the door tight, she threw the clothing onto the bed and demanded an answer. Instantly.

The boy didn't want to answer, but knew he wasn't going to be able to avoid the question. This was Adrienne, and she had to know everything.
As he clumsily threw on the clothing over his pyjamas, he sat down on Arthur's bed and shrugged, pursing his lips before speaking again - a long, silent pause in between.
"It's my fault, I said things I shouldn't have said and I got what I deserved."

"Adrienne, are we going?" She heard a voice from outside the door, and the irritated tone of it just made her heart drop. "We still need to stop by the supermarket!"

"I'll be there in a second!" Adrienne replied and turned back to the tired boy, gently taking his hand into hers. "Promise me you'll be fine... You know, Matthew and I have known each other for a long time and I've learned a lot about you in the meantime as well. And I realized that you really hate loneliness. Luckily, you'll have Arthur. Okay? You're never alone, it's a big world. And whatever happened between you and your brother, I swear, it will all be fixed by the time we come back. Understand?" Her gaze was fixed on Alfred's eyes, and he blinked a few times as if he was confused, nodding right after to give a positive response.

"Yeah... Thanks. I needed to hear that today."

"I get it. We're human, we cannot be happy all the time. When I'm having a bad day, I curl up to by blankets and watch videos or listen to music the entire day. And cry." They both laughed a little at the last sentence, hugging one more time.
She got up, smiling to him gently, and walked out of the room to meet Matthew who was already close to lose all patience. He wasn't usually an angry person, but now he was experiencing betrayal for a reason he himself didn't truly understand.

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