Chapter III

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One week later

A week had passed since Arthur made his way to not only Alfred's room, but his heart as well.
They were already in a relationship, and half of the college knew about that after a day because of Alfred's and Elizabeta's big mouth. For some reason unknown to the Brit, they had to tell and announce it to everyone they knew. Even the librarian.
And people were happy for them, not a single person was unaccepting and that reflected the happiness onto the couple as well.

Now, on the last day of the semester berore spring break, they were finally doing last minute plans and thinking about where they were going and what they were going to do.
Gathered in Matthew's and Adrienne's dorm, the group of friends diplomatically discussed the matter with some beer that Gilbert successfully acquired from the nearest shop.

"Alright, how about we all stay here and enjoy holidays together for once?" Gilbert suggested, chugging down an entire bottle of Heineken in a minute. At this point, he was almost resistant to alcohol.

"Adrienne and I are going to Montréal, we won't be here." Matthew gave an apologetic smile to his brother, since he didn't announce that to Alfred earlier.

"I thought you were gonna stay!" The younger protested, huffing and crossing his arms almost like a child.

"Non, not this time. I want him to meet my family. Sorry, Alfred. At least you have Arthur!" The brown haired girl shrugged, an honest smile on her face. She always had her hair in some kind of a ponytail, and was currently wearing a flashy purple hoodie and black tights with a skirt on top. No matter the situation, she wanted to look her best.

"I was going to take Gil to see Budapest, but it's fine if we stay... My family insists that I come back to Hungary for two weeks."

"That sounds good to me! I've heard that Hungary has amazing beer. Also Czechia, which I assume is pretty close on the map..." Gilbert chuckled, a tiny bit tipsy which was clear from his voice, though he'd never admit it. He immediately dropped all his plans on staying in America as soon as Liz proposed something else. It wasn't difficult for her to make him do whatever she wanted them to do.

Alfred sighed, feeling a bit down at the realization that all of his friends were going to be away for the entirety of spring break, and even if he had Arthur, he was going to miss socializing.
And Matthew. His older brother had never left him alone with anyone, knowing how much he was frightened of being without him ever since they lost their parents. But it's been twelve years, Alfred had found a partner, so the older figured it would be good for a first time. Though Alfred didn't like that idea at all.

"So... That leaves only me and Arthur." He flashed a knowing look towards his brother, instinctively gripping the Brit's hand tighter out of pure tension forming deep inside of him.

Arthur glanced at his lover, reassuring him in his mind that everything was going to be fine. Sometimes, he felt as if he could actually read people's thoughts and feel their emotions as they were his own. And currently, Alfred radiated fear and anxiety.

"You two are going to have a great time!" Elizabeta clapped her hands once to put an accent on how it wasn't going to be bad without them. "After all, Alfred, you get along with everyone in college anyway so it won't be a problem for you... Right?"

"Yeah, totally!" Alfred fake chuckled and tried to hide the somewhat obvious dissatisfaction. "I just want you guys to have fun and relax wherever you are."

"Thanks, you're the best!" The Hungarian happily jumped up and hugged her best friend, kissing him quickly on the cheek, all in a platonic way, before she took Gilbert by the hand and dragged him out of the room to the hallways.

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