Chapter V

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"I can't believe we're in Canada!" Matthew excitedly exclaimed as he looked around at his surroundings, a genuine smile plastered on his face. They were in Montréal, and were going to stay for two full weeks with Adrienne's parents who were dying to meet their daughter's boyfriend who they had heard so much about.

"Yeah, finally home." She chuckled lightheartedly and, together with Matthew, carried their luggage over to the building they were staying in. "Keep in mind, my parents don't actually speak English that well, so it's best we switch to French."

They were both incredibly glad to be here, each for their own reasons, but Matthew felt relief. He needed time away from college, America and away from Alfred, especially after what happened just a day earlier. Perhaps the younger was right, they didn't need each other as much as Matthew made it seem in his head.
Alfred would be perfectly fine, he convinced himself.

And even if he wasn't going to be okay, who was he to care? Alfred clearly stated his thoughts, and Matthew was never the one to forgive too easily. It was a great form of betrayal to him - to get such words from someone he tried his best to take care of for twelve years. The only member of the Jones family, except him, who was still there. So wasn't going to forget Alfred's little anger breakdown just yet.

For now, he would take his mind off it and meet the people who soon might be his new family, if everything went according to his secret plan.

As they entered the house, they were awaited by two older looking people, both dressed in clothing just as fancy as Adrienne's. Oh, it was so obvious they were related.

"Oh, you are already here!" The lady spoke in articulated French, and suddenly they were both embraced in a tight hug by her. She had long, brown hair, a lighter shade than Adrienne, fixed up in a ponytail that reached her back. "It's so nice to see you both! My name is Jeanne, and this is my husband Pierre. I assume you're Matthew? We've heard so many wonderful things about you!" And with another hug, they were finally let into the house, the suitcases behind them almost forgotten until the father carefully took them in.

"Yes, Matthew Jones. Pleased to meet you!" He smiled, trying his best to pronounce French words without embarrassing himself. Even if he spoke it fluently, he hadn't actually used the language in years, so he needed to suddenly get out all his knowledge and actually speak in it with people.

"An American who speaks a language other than English? Never thought I'd meet one." Pierre gave a sarcastic remark, followed by a light push from his wife. They all laughed cheerfully, glad to finally be together in one place.

The boy accommodated himself in the house pretty quickly, and Adrienne's parents immediately treated him as if they had known him for three years, not three seconds.

Twenty minutes into the family gathering, and he already ate a bunch of Jeanne's homemade cookies, drank a glass of the finest red wine and managed to hear their entire life story.

He decided he really liked these people.

"I hope you're taking good care of our daughter", the father said, perhaps in a more serious tone, as he took another sip of his drink.

"She's an independent woman, I doubt she needs me to take care of her." Matthew chuckled, earning a satisfied look from her parents. "But I try my best to keep her safe just as much as she keeps me safe. It's mutual."

Adrienne softly smiled at him, missing their affection and gentle words exchanged. Lately, they were both under a lot of stress from work and planning, so hearing even the slightest thing made her heart melt.

"I like you a lot, Matthew. I'm glad that Adrienne has found someone like you." Jeanne stated with confidence as she came back from the kitchen with another bowl of cookies and a plate of cakes, even if they hadn't even eaten all of the previous ones. "You know, her first romance could have ruined her, just as it had ruined me before I found Pierre... That's why it matters to me so much that she has a kind, loving boy like you. I don't want her to go through the same, horrible things."

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