Chapter XXX

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Girls' night out seemed like a fantastic idea, one that struck suspicion in nobody's heart. Everybody agreed that it was a great thing to do, for Emma, Elizabeta, Adrienne and Sara to have their bonding time together after the boys returned home. Only Alfred was the hesitant one to leave. If there wasn't for Sara who appeared in her usual flashy white dress and made him fear for his life, he would refuse to go home.

Now, he had to walk alongside Matthew and know the entire time that he would walk into a hazard as soon as he stepped into that room and sat by the computer.

They wanted to say goodbye to each other and separate, each going their own ways - Arthur and Alfred to their room, Gilbert to his and Matthew to his while their girls hung out at the disco. But the younger American didn't want to leave his brother's side. He insisted to stay with him, go to the cafeteria, even though it was already really late in the evening, they were all tired and worn out from the party. In fact, their minds were a slight bit hazy from the few shots they took. Of alcohol, that was understandable.

"Please, I want to stay with you--" If the fight was already inevitable, he didn't want it to happen yet. He wanted Matthew away from that damn computer for as long as he could.

"Alfred, you're acting really strange tonight. Is everything okay?" Matthew asked in a caring tone, placing a hand on his younger brother's shoulder as the other looked so scared, his pupils nearly dilated. Just like he was having a panic attack, or even worse, a psychotic attack. Only now, he wasn't. He just wanted to save his brother's relationship for a bit more time.

"I want to... Talk to you, or anything!" He said in a panicked tone of voice, making both Arthur and Matthew nervous. Something was clearly wrong, they just didn't know what. Gilbert, on the other hand, kind of found it hilarious. But that was probably just the beer talking.

"I'm really tired, and I have some more work to finish as well... Can't you talk to Arthur tonight?"

"You can't do work!" Alfred almost shouted, grabbing the other by his arms - of course, it wasn't too tightly, but Matthew still felt the need to shake him off and take a step back.

"Yes, I can, and I have to! I think you need to take it down a few. Nothing bad is going to happen to me if I work."

It will, you are going to be angry, you'll think Adrienne cheated on you, why can't you just listen to me and stay with me instead of going into that cursed room?!

Alfred couldn't say another word. Instead of fighting back and trying to convince Matthew even further to stay back, he stood there in silence for a longer moment, before turning away, running off upstairs in the direction of the cafeteria without waiting up for anyone to follow him.

Luckily, no one did, because he had a call to make.

And that call was to Emilia Steilsson. She was the only one who knew how to properly help him deal with this emotional burden he had to carry. She was definitely going to tell him what to do. Closing the glass door of the cafeteria behind him as he nearly flew in, he took the cell phone out of the pocket of his jeans and dialed the number once, twice, three times... She wasn't answering.

Goddammit, why wasn't she answering?!

He had no more time. Adrienne would be back any moment, and the spark would turn into a flame. And then into a wildfire, which would eventually lead to the two of them breaking off their engagement.

This wasn't right, not at all, but he felt so helpless, so powerless.

"God, I know I don't believe in you, but give my brother peace, let him understand, please let a miracle happen. Don't let Sara get her way." Looking up to the ceiling as if it was the sky, he whispered as a prayer, despite being an atheist, because sometimes it was the last resort he'd go to if nothing else was working. "If you do, then I might just start believing."

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