2| Nightmares & Agreement

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She is holding on, but barely. Gripping whatever she can to keep it together for another day. She doesn't think about next week or next month, just today. That's what she tells herself, that's how she's gone this long. Just keep it together today

 Just keep it together today❞

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Darkness gilded everywhere. It felt as if I was bound in chains, something was holding me back. There was nothing around but darkness, silence and isolation. I couldn't see anything, it was pitch-black. I tried to search for light, for someone who could help me but failed.

I was drowning in a world full of sorrow and there was no one, just me and menacing, spine chilling silence. A feeling of emptiness settled inside me as I felt cut off from the world.

Everything was so gloomy and quiet; I cried out for help but got no reply, no one was there. No one was there for me. I was caged in a complete dark place, full of pain, regrets and bad memories.

"You killed her" I gulped as I heard a sinful, malicious voice whisper in my ear. I hastily turned around but met nothing but eerie darkness.

My body started to shake when I heard another whisper "You are a terrible person" The voice sounded so cold, so evil.

"You deserve to die" A new voice whispered.

There were a lot of voices, whispering lot's of hateful things to my heart. Telling me not to forget the pain I've caused her and everyone. Reminding me with every word that how hard it is to carry the weight of guilt.

"I am so sorry" I whimpered, my bottom lip quivering as the memories came flooding in my mind.

And that's when I heard her voice. Screaming, shouting, yelling and cursing me for what I did.

"I am so sorry" I let out a sob as her voice grew louder and louder and louder blocking those horrifying whispers.

I covered my ears with my hands, tears streaming down my cheek endlessly. I fell on my knees begging "Stop. I am sorry, please stop"

Helpless, I begged those voices to stop, begged her to stop, but they didn't. They continued torturing me mercilessly, just like they had always been doing.

"No. Please stop. I am sorry" I repeated continuously, but nothing worked. I was being swallowed by darkness and those ear piercing screams. The scary demons of my past circling around me.

"STOP!" I woke up panting heavily. Terrified, I looked around my surroundings and breathed a sigh of relief as I saw my familiar dorm room.

Nightmare. It was just a nightmare. Calm down Winter I calmed myself down, trying to be strong as I wipe the cold sweat off my forehead.

I glanced at Maria sleeping on bed opposite to mine and thanked god for her being a heavy sleeper. After checking time in my bedside clock which was indicating 4:57 AM. I laid down burying my face in the pillow hoping to fall asleep before I started to fall apart.

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