19| Preparations & Together

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She's fire, but she won't burn you...

Because she knows all to well, how it feels to live with ashes

Dim rays of sunshine sneaked in through the small gape of sleek curtains naughtily, lightening the room with a soft warm golden lustre

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Dim rays of sunshine sneaked in through the small gape of sleek curtains naughtily, lightening the room with a soft warm golden lustre.

Quiet humming of mine swayed in the peaceful air as I brushed my hair gently. Settling down the hair brush, I tied those wavy locks in a ponytail, only leaving a few small strands beside, adorning my face.

Opening my eyes a little more, I covered my eyelashes with mascara, coating them with the black wet substance.

Satisfied by my little effort and appearance, I twirled a little and checked out my reflection in the mirror.

Perfect I thought to myself, glancing at the mirror one last time.

I woke up that morning extremely thankful, for not getting any nightmares and for a peaceful slumber. I was feeling relaxed and so much calm that I felt like floating in bliss.

Plugging out my phone from the charger, I turned the switch off and put my phone in the pocket of my black jeans, walked towards the bedroom door.

After millisecond of my opening the door, another door unlocked and opened ajar just in front of my bedroom.

Realization tumbled my way as I saw the devil coming out of the room, in his all messy hair glory. Thrilled hazel eyes gave me an once-over as a lazy smile tucked on his luscious lips.

"Good morning!" Greeting him, I closed the door behind me and walked towards the stairs.

"Someone's in a good mood today" His smooth raspy voice chimed, ringing in the empty hallway, behind me.

"Guess so, but don't you dare try to ruin it" I warned, glancing at him over my shoulder and made my way downstairs.

"I never do such a thing" He claimed innocently, his footsteps following me closely behind.

"Sureee" I trailed off.

Frank chitter-patter can be heard clearly from far as the air carried the noises out. Stepping inside, I saw everyone sitting on the table.

"Morning!" Me and Ethan spoke up at the same time as he entered brushing past me, I squirmed moving aside and glared at him.

Everyone's head turned towards us and a low string of 'good mornings' and greetings swam in the air.

"Hey," Alex looked at me, titling his head and smirked. Now what happened to him?

"Hi" Rolling my eyes, I excused myself from there and went to the kitchen, where Margaret was busy making breakfast.

The sweet smell of whipped cream,berries and pancakes, the spicy smell of bacon and eggs, the sugary smell of chocolate waffles and that fresh strong smell of coffee, hovered over me just as I entered the kitchen.

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