15| Mysteries & Snow

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There wasn't a predictable thing about her

and it was that chaos that made her interesting

and it was that chaos that made her interesting ❞

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Mysterious was not something, I ever used to describe a girl as. Within a short amount of time of knowing them, It was easy to tell if the girl is boring, smart, cheerful, sassy or nerdy. But, never mysterious. Until that mystery itself came knocking on my door in the middle of the night.

Although I hated Winter with every fiber in my body, there was something about her that stood out.

Maybe it was the way she would walk in the room like a boss that she was, with a small barely there sinister smirk on her lips, daring everyone to mess with her and they would regret every moment of their life. Her mischievous blue eyes telling thousands of untold stories.

But what made her interesting the most was the emotions that she hid so safely inside or maybe it was just me... And her mood swings were what made her difficult to understand.

I didn't know her properly, but she was the most confusing and infuriating person I've ever met.

One moment she was fine and quite, then another she was the biggest and coldest bitch you'll ever meet.

I don't know why my mind insisted that I call her Snow that day, But it suited her. In some sick twisted way it suited her.


"Stop calling me that" Her irritated voice rang, breaking me out of my thoughts. Blinking confused, I looked towards her and there she was... Sitting there with her eyes narrowed eyes at me.

"I'll think about it" I rolled my eyes at her as she gave me a stoned look and went back to devouring the peaceful weather with an annoyed expression.

"I want to go someplace far away from here, to enjoy my youth" Nate said dramatically as he carefully took out all the red skittles from the packet.

I looked at him horrified because of the amount of calories in his hands and said "There's still fuckload of time left before holidays Buddy"

"Unfortunately" Finn mumbled laying on the grass and shoved me to move away and give him some space.

It was a dark dreary day, we were sitting outside just chilling because we didn't have any classes or practice. Lucky us.

The two couples were huddled together, enjoying little time for themselves. Just chatting and having a laugh.

"So I was at my cousin uncle's funeral, when my phone rang" Alex continued the story as Sharon and the guys listened intently. Resting my elbow on my knees, I too waited for him to speak further

"much to my embarrassment my ring tone was 'Highway to hell'..." Alex added sheepishly.

The quiet bubble of silence got burst by our loud laughter, Alex's quiet cursing and Maria's silly comments.

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