37| Warmth & Desires

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He was different and she knew it, by the way she would feel, whenever he spoke to her. She felt warm and almost drunk. 

As if his words were laced with gin and lined with fleece❞ 

As if his words were laced with gin and lined with fleece❞ 

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"So, your Dad actually owns a MK14?"

I looked up from my book and saw Ethan lingering on the doorway. Letting out a sigh, I dropped it down on my lap and asked "You are still here?"

He rolled his eyes, pulling away from the door and stalked inside, saying "You don't have to look so disappointed."

"I can't help it," I muttered, watching him with a frown as he wandered around my old room, scanning the bookshelf filled with so many fairy tales and mysteries, my writing desk which was now almost clean and a high school musical poster.

He looked over his shoulder at me, a smile dancing on his lips and mused "I know"

I didn't hear him, because I was too busy staring at him, tracing his fingers on the old photo at my nightstand. My breath hitched, when I noticed him picking it up and sweat drenched my tight fist.

A moment passed by and I waited. He finally looked up from the photo and I could see the realization making its way in them. He knew. That the sweet woman he met earlier was indeed not my mother, that that woman in the picture was totally different and he knew that that adorable girl beside me was missing, never coming back.

He was putting those puzzle pieces back in their place, but there were still some missing.

I waited for him to question me, ask me whatever that was going in his head, even though I knew, I wouldn't be able to handle them.

"Damn, you were so chubby and look at those cheeks! So fucking kissable" He surprised me by cheering, before looking at that photo again, in awe.

A relieved breath shot out of me as I relaxed a little. "I know, I know. Just put it back in its place, after you are done staring" I told him, my tone turning into a teasing one.

"Are you kidding me? I might have to click a mental picture" He chuckled, before putting the old framed memento down.

After taking the tour of my room, rummaging through my books and playfully teasing me for my high school musical obsession, he fell down on the bed beside me with a tired sigh.

Resting himself comfortably against the headboard, he turned his head towards me. I was absorbed by his hazel magnets, when he snatched the book from my lap, checking the title.

"What are you doing? Give it back, please and thank you" I rolled my eyes, leaning on him to take the book, but he pulled it away from my reach and put it somewhere on the table beside him.

"Come on, you can read it whenever you are alone" He retorted, before pouting his lush lips.

"In case, you can't tell already, that's what I'd like you to do. Leave me alone" I told him, but my voice sounded a little breathy.

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