53| Bleeding hearts & Screaming mind

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She didn't sob or wail, her grief was horribly discreet

 but, as persistent and almost as silent as bleeding from an unstitched wound

 but, as persistent and almost as silent as bleeding from an unstitched wound❞

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Why?  was the every question in my mind. Why? was my every last thought.

Why did I tell him? Why didn't he react? Why didn't he say all of that, I expected him to? Why was he still there? Why I wanted him to leave? Why was I even thinking these things? So many whys.. haunted my head.

And now, we were walking inside his apartment, but suddenly, I was feeling this urge to run away. 

Is it possible to feel numb and angry at the same time? 

He had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, holding me together and close to him, but, I wanted to shrug it off. When he talked so softly and lovingly, showering me with his warm words, I wanted him to shut up. 

I didn't deserve any of that. Why couldn't he see this, instead of, wasting his time here? 

Entering the living area, he turned on the lights, letting it sweep away the darkness and turned to look at me with a lazy smile.

"Are you hungry, Snow?" He asked taking out his phone and continued "We can order Pizza, if you'd li-"

"Erm I um want to use the bathroom" I spoke up, cutting his sentence.

 He raised his perfect little eyebrow at me, before nodding, "Well, it's-"

"I know" is all I muttered and turned around to walk away at the direction of his bedroom, the only bathroom I knew,  but, stopped for a second.

"Hey, Ethan?" I looked over my shoulder, calling out his name.

He stared up from his phone screen, murmuring a soft "Yeah?"

"Order pizza" 

His lips quirked up into a small grin as he replied in a playful manner "Of course, my lady"

I wandered my way towards the bedroom with millions of thoughts and voices from the past drumming against my skull. Her shouts ringing in my mind.

Stop thinking about it, Winter. You know, it's not what you think anymore. She apologized remember? She have regrets... just like you.

I kept repeating those words to myself with a tight fist as I entered the bedroom, which didn't change even the slightest bit, since I was here the last time.  

Stop remembering. Rage like molten lava coursed through my veins as I tried to force myself to stop thinking, but, my brain didn't shut up. It liked reminding of my misery and see me torture myself.

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