58| Treachery & Ruination

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❝ She was never scared of the fire

because, she has burned too many times❞

I was speechless for an entire minute, not believing what I was witnessing in front of me

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I was speechless for an entire minute, not believing what I was witnessing in front of me. My body went rigid and realization dawned upon me, like sudden gloomy clouds painting over the blue sky all grey.

The guy who so casually slipped into my space and intrude my life. The guy who for so long pretended  to be my friend, who didn't hesitate to deceive me or lie to my face. And I was pretty sure, he lied to everyone. He lied to his friends too.

Although betrayal was still a fresh wound, it didn't take long for rage to start filling my senses. He was wearing the same clothes from the party but, in that moment, his smile was not innocent at all.  

"Don't fucking call me that," Blinding by my anger, I hissed at him. If only I was not tied by my helplessness, I would've loved to punch the life out of him.

Shoving his hands in the pocket of the hoodie, a grin stretched over his face as he entered, strolling towards me and knelt down.

"Why not? We're friends after all. Is Ethan the only one allowed to call you that?" He asked, playfulness dripping over his ever syllable. In his eyes, I  could finally see the truth behind his mischief and the meaning his smirks.

He was fooling me the entire time.

"I don't know what you are trying doing to do, Finn. But, trust me when I say that you'll regret this," Not even bothering to hide the disdain in my voice, I told him.

Not take back by my response, he just grinned staring at me. For the first time, I couldn't recognize the person sitting before me. Trust can make you so blind,  I just had realize that. 

"Okay, that's it. Finnely, get away from her," Dylan's voice commanded. His words seemed to have an impact on him as he quickly withdrew and stood up, fixing his clothes and chuckled under his breathe. 

Dylan closed the door and with those two present there, the small room was shrinking even more. It's like the walls were closing in, turning the room into a cage. 

"Well darling, I assume you already know Finnely, he is my cousin."  He said trailing inside and went to stand beside the said cousin.

"Actually she only knows me as Finn." He remarked cheekily.

It was all bizzare, how calm and normal they were being. The situation was far from normal, at least for me. My body went numb from freezing and  my shoulders were starting to ache from struggling so much. 

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